First Time Auto Grow

Mr Heff

Hi this is my first post on Rollitup.

I have just set up my first grow using an 800w HID spread over 10, 6.5 ltr pots using canna terra soil with diesel ryder seeds from herbies.

I had a query about watering/feeding. I'm not going to use any nutes for the first 2 weeks and was just wondering how much/often i should water my babies for the pot size, i'm worried about over/under watering.

any advice would be really helpful and i will try and keep posting with progress.

thanks again.



Well-Known Member
Water when the pot they're in weighs half it did when you watered last.

I doubt those 6.5litre pots are enough for the whole life of an auto. I would have opted for the 11litre pots.

Using CANNA TERA you can either
water water feed starting at 1/4 what it tells you on the bottle
you can go to
and do their nutrient calculator on a light feeding schedule. This will give you how many ml's per litre.

You may also want to use the CANNA PK1314, CANNA RHIZOTONIC and CANNA BOOST if you can afford it.


Mr Heff

I wasn't planning on feeding them (with nutes) until they are around 2 weeks old.

was just planning on investing in some big you think i will need more than this ?


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the only thing you have bought is the canna terra bag of soil. This will have enough nutrients in it for around 2 weeks. This soil should also be used in conjunction with a brand of nutrients designed to be used with soil. You need to feed the plant every 3rd watering once the nutrients contained in the soil have been used up.

You need to read a little more about growing in general as a single bag of soil and a bottle of big bud isn't going to get you very much.

I would advise getting a veg nute and a flowering nute at the very minimum and forget about the big bud.


Mr Heff

yeh you are right :( tbh i think i was a little niave with the whole autoflowering thing, thinking i could pretty much leave them to their own devices

i will get one flowering and one vegging nute.

any recommendations ?


Well-Known Member

Should set you back around £50 but should last around 6 plants worth of growing.


Mr Heff

So here's an update...6 of the 10 have sprouted and are doing well. After waiting well over 2 weeks, I have decided to get rid of the 4 duds.

I got 4 free feminised seeds from herbies and was wondering if i could put these in with my auto's since it will be on an 18-hour cycle for the next 5/6 weeks.

will this be ok to do or will it effect the auto's in a negative way.



Well-Known Member
that will be fine mate the regular seeds will just veg under 18/6 and then you can flower them when your autos finish:peace:

Mister Black

Active Member
I'm growing 2 photoperiod plants with my 2 auto's. Seems like the photoperiod plants are doing well better than the auto's. As a result the light schedule for my light cab will go 12/12 quite soon. I was thinking there would be no effect on my auto's but now I see how stunted in growth my auto's are compared to the photoperiod I'm hoping 12/12 does not force auto's into flower before they are big enough.

Mr Heff

Yeh I was planning on just vegging the normal photoperiod ones for the next 5/6 weeks then once the auto's are out switch to 12/12.

My Auto's are looking pretty small still considering they've been in soil almost 3 weeks. Any suggestions on nutes to boost the vegging of the Auto's ?

Autos are generally a smaller plant in general. There are grown on here that weren't topped and with very minimal LST and were only about 16" when harvested. Strains do vary somewhat. Look up the seeds and they usually have a height range for the particular seed and see what it says.

Mr Heff

Yeh i know they are significantly smaller but i'm talking around 5cm after 2 weeks...surely thats not normal for 14 days out of an alleged 60 ? any suggestions to boost my vegging ?