First Time at Topping *Pic Included*


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...
This is my first time at topping a plant and i took some pics of one of the
plants i topped. Its been 2 and a half days so far and i don't really see that
much growth. Did I do everything correctly? :leaf:

Pic 1: Not Topped
Pic 2: Plant after Topping
Pic 3: Close-Up of Topped Area



Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me. The glory of topping is that its really hard to screw up, giver a pinch and wait!!!


Well-Known Member
How long does it usually take to see any decent growth? I read topping stunts the plants growth for a little bit, but how long exactly?


Well-Known Member
How long does it usually take to see any decent growth? I read topping stunts the plants growth for a little bit, but how long exactly?
I can be really strain specific, my arjan's ultra haze #1 loves being pinched and will sprout new branches in a couple days, however other strains i've grown take so long to come back that i've deamed it not worth the trouble for them.
Having said that, anywhere from 2-7 days is normal.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Good Looks on the info SpruceZeus.

maybe u can check out my grow journal n lemme know whatchya think...its my 1st indoor grow.

Thanx man


Well-Known Member
Thanx alot... but say the next plant i cut i wanna use the other method (the names not ringing a bell..FHM or somethings...but ...u cut 80% of the "topped" part off, not the whole thing. Its it about the same time length? And does anyone suggest i use this method for one of my plants?

this is an indoor bag seed grow, my first to be exact. I wanna use this as my "learning expeirience" before i go off and purchase high grade seeds. I wanna learn most what i can now so i know what im doing later on....


Well-Known Member
Thanx alot... but say the next plant i cut i wanna use the other method (the names not ringing a bell..FHM or somethings...but ...u cut 80% of the "topped" part off, not the whole thing. Its it about the same time length? And does anyone suggest i use this method for one of my plants?

this is an indoor bag seed grow, my first to be exact. I wanna use this as my "learning expeirience" before i go off and purchase high grade seeds. I wanna learn most what i can now so i know what im doing later on....
Yeah trying for a fim is always your best bet, worst case scenario and you take too much off and you just topped it.


Well-Known Member
What You want to do is wait until the plant gets 5 nodes then FIM now wait and you will see 4 tops coming up, wait 2 weeks and fim all tops, wait at least 2 weeks before inducing 12/12. My self I wait until plant reaches 18-24" high. But I think you will dig the fim.

FIM stands for "Fuck I Missed." This is because, instead of completely removing the apical tip, you are only removing half of it, looking like you "missed" the top. This can results in 3, 4 or even more tops from the location. A common FIM technique, is to bend a box-razor blade so there is a curve in it. This way, you can scoop out the area necessary to make the FIM cut.



Well-Known Member
just for the record.....

this is the same plant, but a week & a half or so later

*this is for anyone else who is researching info and had the same question i did...
hope this will help someone out at a later date :-P

