I am sure you are right in what you are saying. But do you just buy the scotts grow and throw you plants in a pot with it? I am thinking that you do not. Also a lot of soils you buy have time released nuts in them which are hard to tell when they are spent. Granted, I am not saying that I will never try soil again. I am just saying that I did not understand the differences in soils and what is in them. Also, as I said I am still growing my tomatoe plant in soil, but have beefed it up heavily with perlite, which soils you buy hardly have any in it, even if they say they do. This is just my thought. As I am just a newbie grower, and am still learning.
But first off,, What I am thinking is do not leave plants in Peat Pucks when you plant them in pots, and do not plant in bio-degradeable pots. These types of things do not allow you to control what enviroment your plant truely are in. And I still do not think it to be wise to use a time released nutrient soil, because if something does happen and you need to flush out the medium and start over it is hard to do so, because you still have time released nutrients in the soil.. Maybe I am totally wrong. But this is what I have gotten from my grow.
But all being said, I am happy so far with what my system is doing for me. And I am still thinking Hydro is easier to control.
I truely think it is wrong to use time released nutrients in you soil though. This takes all the control away from you and gives it to who ever made that soil. Not only that,, but what batch of soil was that? How strong is that soil with nutrients, and if you find this batch to strong,, how do you flush it out with out doing a major replant.