First time Aerogardener, potential post germination problem


Active Member
I've done my reading quite throroughly as time as gone by. I've got all the information down, I do find that there is few information about germination with aerogarden and how to plant using it. Sounds pretty basic but I think I've ran into an issue

So i've germinated my autoflowering seed, it ended up wrapping around the seed. I was a little confused by this and did not know how I should proceed by placing it into the POD of aerogarden. I did a bit a reading and it said it doesnt matter it'll find its way.

I planted it in this morning, with the tap root coming out towards the bottom, but wrapping around towards the top and now I kinda see the root wrapping up towards the top (towards the light). I heard the light is a terrible thing for the roots, so for now til I get a definate answer I took off the clear plastic dome and placed something that would keep the root in dark for now until I figure out whether or not my seed is doing just fine with the light on or not.

Can anyone clear this up for me? Is everything ok, is the tap root being exposed to the aerogarden light ok? Will it wrap itself back around and work its way downwards?

Thanks for any help!


Active Member
Here's an update to my tap root issue I encountered earlier. I just covered it in dark. This is what it looks like now, it's broken out of it's shell.

is she doing ok? I've still got her in the dark, should I give it some light now?


Active Member
yes it looks fine, I would put it back into the light. Dont worry if a little bit of light gets on the top of the root, as long as it is going down now, a little bend above the surface wont hurt it. Once it gets a little bigger you wont even notice it.


Active Member
which aerogarden do you have
I got one of the original ones I believe. The aerogarden 6 Elite. Has three bulbs, 6 pods. Pump 24/7 regardless of which setting and has decent range of light settings. Picked it up off of kijiji for 50 dollars.


Active Member
yes it looks fine, I would put it back into the light. Dont worry if a little bit of light gets on the top of the root, as long as it is going down now, a little bend above the surface wont hurt it. Once it gets a little bigger you wont even notice it.
thanks for the response, I have it under light now thanks!


Active Member
So as I posted earlier, the stem root SNAPPED IN HALF. I threw it in the garbage cause I read somewhere saying "don't bother once that's happened".

So I threw it on top of the garbage in the bathroom. The following morning I was like heck, i'll check it out. It grew greener and looked better then ever. I replaced the plant into my aerogarden and lit that baby back up. It's been about 36 hours since then.

PS: what motivated me to continue was a youtube video of someone's eazy ryder grow with aerogarden where he as well snapped the stem root and managed to grow it out nicely and yield over 30g.