first tiem with seeds please help


i have grown clones befor just fine wanted to try difretn strain and wanted to try with seeds iv got exodus cheese x spacedawg, so my first ? do i want female seeds or male seeds or do i need boht, reason i ask i thoght you onlky wanted fem seeds to grow buds, bu tteh caretaker told me no i dont want feminized seeds and that i woudl wan tboth of them so im just confused on that part right no if somone coudl please help me what i need to get the budz


Well-Known Member
U only need females to have the buds.....The male plants produce pollon, which is basically only good to polinate females and make more seeds.


ok thanks, srry i did nto mean to star 2 threads for the same issue the first one i thought did not work i will end this one