First ticket, worth fighting?

be ez

Well-Known Member
K guys

So I had some bad luck tonight and got a nice $100 parking ticket and $110 failure to surrender license ticket. I had a bit of goof with the parking ticket that I agree I deserved but I think I've got reasonable grounds to fight the second ticket.
Basically I was grabbing coffee with a friend, parked on a side street and slightly blocked someones laneway (my bad guyss it was dark and I was stoned)
Coming back out from the coffee a squad car was next to mine and the cop tells me I'm lucky as a tow truck was on the way. Initally he tells me to move my car but after I hop in he asks for proof of insurance, license and registration. I provide my insurance and registration but of course forgot my license in my winter car (only the second day having this car out of storage). I tell the cop, wait a minute or so and then he asks me to move my car out of the way.
Long story short he gives me the tickets and drives off.

I'm thinking I've got a good basis to fight this ticket on... I wasn't driving with no license I was in a drinking coffee. Who's to say I didn't "lose" my license at the coffee shop? Who's to say I wouldn't have not driven home without said license after realizing it was "lost"? I only moved my car 2 feet at the officers request with no license. If I were to plead this case in court explaining this senario could I get the ticket thrown out?



i'd sayit depends. some judges understand, some dont. also states vary. here u stand a chance simplyif the cop is to bussy to show up u get outa it. what u got to loose??? try it

be ez

Well-Known Member
Yea eh thats what I was thinking
It's not like if I explain and they call bullshit that I'll have to pay anymore... right?


Well-Known Member
In Michigan, our state boys can be rough with that - they'll give you the ticket, but say "If you wish to fight it, bring your ID with you to the court and get something from the Secretary of State that shows it was valid as of time of ticket" - that's my experience, anyway. Depending on your lo ation, make sure you declare if you have CHL/CPL/CCW - in Michigan, failure to declare immediately would be an additional 500.00 and 6 month CPL suspension. Second offense is revocation of it and 1000.00. Check your state and their rules if you do carry concealed, best way to save an additional surprise/headache.

be ez

Well-Known Member
Depending on your lo ation, make sure you declare if you have CHL/CPL/CCW - in Michigan, failure to declare immediately would be an additional 500.00 and 6 month CPL suspension.
I'm from canada haha, the only CHL I know about is the canadian hockey league
I'm just talking about my drivers license here


Well-Known Member
I'm from canada haha, the only CHL I know about is the canadian hockey league
I'm just talking about my drivers license here
Wasn't sure if you were in the US, and happened to carry concealed as well - was mentioning in passing. CHL = concealed handgun license


Well-Known Member
My wife got stopped without her license once, she forgot her purse at home, cop gave her a ticket but told her if she brought her license in to the police station they'd downgrade it to a warning. So you know...she did.

Edit : I guess I should clarify this is me supporting the idea that you can probably beat the ticket, under the circumstances you've described.

be ez

Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure if you were in the US, and happened to carry concealed as well - was mentioning in passing. CHL = concealed handgun license
ah good to know, I never knew they were so tight on gun licenses. Only a good thing though I'm sure


Well-Known Member
ah good to know, I never knew they were so tight on gun licenses. Only a good thing though I'm sure
I'd rather declare it than have them run the plate and suspect it, and then approach the car with guns drawn.. or have me reach for insurance/registration and get shot in the back of the head because they think I'm reaching for a gun and had a felony background, etc.

be ez

Well-Known Member
My wife got stopped without her license once, she forgot her purse at home, cop gave her a ticket but told her if she brought her license in to the police station they'd downgrade it to a warning. So you know...she did.

Edit : I guess I should clarify this is me supporting the idea that you can probably beat the ticket, under the circumstances you've described.
I'm going to call up a traffic lawyer tomorrow for some advice and ask if its reasonable to try. I asked the cop about the bringing the license in like your wife and apparently that programs been scraped in my area because it clogged up the ticket office.

be ez

Well-Known Member
I'd rather declare it than have them run the plate and suspect it, and then approach the car with guns drawn.. or have me reach for insurance/registration and get shot in the back of the head because they think I'm reaching for a gun and had a felony background, etc.
That's some scary shit... Can't make dealing with the cops any less stressful for sure. I'm worried about being pulled over with a big bag of dope or something but the thought of that would really get you on edge


Well-Known Member
That's some scary shit... Can't make dealing with the cops any less stressful for sure. I'm worried about being pulled over with a big bag of dope or something but the thought of that would really get you on edge
Agreed, hasn't happened to me yet.. and would rather it not ever.. lol