New Member
This is my first thread and my first outdoor grow. I'm using pot and soil and it is a totally organic grow.
I am about 2 months or so off flowering and i have taken many pictures along the way. The plants were all grown from seeds which i feminized by forcing a Hermie to pollinate the females which were in flower.
Strains :
- The Hermie which pollinated the females was 'Deep Mellow Mango', so all of the girls have a bit of Mango in them.
- One of the strains came from a plant on the mountain side in India, so i am unsure of the exact strain although it has some Afghan influence which is shown by the high amounts of purple all over the plant and the shape of the leaves. It is a very nice, hardy strain with the sweet smell from the Mango (Plant #4)
- The next strain is Ganesh Spirit (Plant #1)
- I am also growing Original Amnesia which my friend has been growing for years and kindly let me pollinate with the Hermie to get a batch of feminized seeds. (Plant #2)
- Finally i am growing Shiva Shanti (Plant #3)
Timings :
The plants were germinated and planted on the first full moon of March.
The plants all started to show pre-flowers in the month of June.
Expected harvest time will be around the end of September / Start of October.
The Soil :
The soil was originally horse manure compost soil, which kept the plants going for around there first month. I then re-potted the plants into more of the same soil and bigger pots after around two months. Once the plants started to stretch i started to feed them with my Organic Tea (the ingredients are outlined below) which is a Nitrogen orientated blend, but with the required amounts of phosphorous and potassium. When the girls started to flower i gave the plants a good flush and then after around a week i upped the P-K ratios with organic P and organic K and lowered the amount of Tea i was using to provide less N.
The Tea :
My Compost Tea consists of the following ingredients . All ingredients were composted prior to being placed in a bucket of fresh river water covered with clear polythene and placed in the sun.
- Leaf and Grass cuttings
- Melon Skins
- Ground up Egg shells
- Carrots
- Nettles
- Potato Skins
- Tea and Coffee grounds
- Old cannabis leaves
I highly diluted this potent mix and used in almost every other watering session throughout there lives.
Watering :
The plants were watered almost as soon as they showed signs of drought (leaves hanging was usually my first sign), which was around twice a week. The plants were all watered with fresh running river water (i live in the mountains right next to a stream). Now that the girls have started to flower i let them sit a few days longer after first signs of drought so that they really suck up the high EC water which i provide them in there feed. My theory being that it will trick the plants into thinking there has been a true drought and they will suck up and store the nutrients which i provide by mixing the tea and organic P and K.
I also believe the drying will help the roots suck up oxygen at the same time.
(If this is incorrect, maybe someone more experienced could give me some guidance, I'm always willing to learn)
The Location :
South France / Northern Spain Region. The plants are next to a river and the temperatures this time of year (August) are mid to high 30c.
The plants get direct sunlight from around 10:00am to around 5:00pm. They are also in a location where the wind blows down the river and into the corner they are growing in, from what i understand this helps circulate air and also strengthens the stems at an early age. This thickens the main stem and allows for more nutrients and water to be sucked up.
My Experience
I have done a few indoor grows and grown a singular plant outside one year, more just to learn than anything. I have friends who also grow indoor and outdoor and have done for many years so they provide me with some good advice, but any more advice is always welcomed.
Other Things to Note
Around the time Pre-Flowers started showing i covered the surface of the soil within the pots with large pebbles to try and slow down evaporation as the plants started to dry out a lot quicker in the mid-day sun. But i did find that this actually just made the soil 'soggy' and stopped the plants breathing as well. Around 2 weeks after i removed these and this seemed to help the roots breathe again.
Just into flowering i actually upped the dosage of nutes too high and caused a lockout on 2-3 of the plants. Being inexperienced i did the schoolboy error of mistaking the symptoms for a hunger for nutrients and increased the nutrient strength futher. When i realised it was a lockout and the yellowing was spreading upward from the bottom of the plants, I had to flush the plants and re-balance the soil which seems to be okay now. The only problem is that on two of the plants the yellowing doesn't seem to have 'reversed' any, is this normal? The spreading of yellowing leaves has stopped, but it hasn't got any better.
I go by the theory that the yellowing leaves should be left, thinking that if the plant doesn't need them anymore she will drop them off. In the meantime she can take any nutrients from the yellowing leaves if required. I actually trimmed most of the yellow leaves from Plant #1 after the lockout to do a bit of a side by side comparison between the plants which were left - and it now actually looks really healthy and all around darker. Is this a coincidence or has anyone else experienced this?
Plant Summary :
Plant #1 started flowering slightly earlier than the rest and is looking really healthy, wide and has plenty of tops. Plant #2 is looking really healthy and tall, but started flowering last. Plant #4 has always been the tallest plant and has looked nice from the start, but she is looking slightly more light green coloured than the rest of the plants (is this a reason to worry? maybe an N deficiency?). Finally, plant #3 is looking more 'Christmas Tree' shaped, but has a nice amount of tops. This was the first plant to display the lockout symptoms and is probably the yellowest of the plants on its major leaves - although all the new growth looks nice and dark throughout.
In general all the new growth looks nice and dark, it is just the lower areas which suffered yellowing in the lockout.
I'm a true believer in Karma-Marijuana and look after my plants and tend to them every day. I hope you enjoy this thread and the pictures posted below, this is my first thread here - so please don't be too harsh
Thanks for Reading
I am about 2 months or so off flowering and i have taken many pictures along the way. The plants were all grown from seeds which i feminized by forcing a Hermie to pollinate the females which were in flower.
Strains :
- The Hermie which pollinated the females was 'Deep Mellow Mango', so all of the girls have a bit of Mango in them.
- One of the strains came from a plant on the mountain side in India, so i am unsure of the exact strain although it has some Afghan influence which is shown by the high amounts of purple all over the plant and the shape of the leaves. It is a very nice, hardy strain with the sweet smell from the Mango (Plant #4)
- The next strain is Ganesh Spirit (Plant #1)
- I am also growing Original Amnesia which my friend has been growing for years and kindly let me pollinate with the Hermie to get a batch of feminized seeds. (Plant #2)
- Finally i am growing Shiva Shanti (Plant #3)
Timings :
The plants were germinated and planted on the first full moon of March.
The plants all started to show pre-flowers in the month of June.
Expected harvest time will be around the end of September / Start of October.
The Soil :
The soil was originally horse manure compost soil, which kept the plants going for around there first month. I then re-potted the plants into more of the same soil and bigger pots after around two months. Once the plants started to stretch i started to feed them with my Organic Tea (the ingredients are outlined below) which is a Nitrogen orientated blend, but with the required amounts of phosphorous and potassium. When the girls started to flower i gave the plants a good flush and then after around a week i upped the P-K ratios with organic P and organic K and lowered the amount of Tea i was using to provide less N.
The Tea :
My Compost Tea consists of the following ingredients . All ingredients were composted prior to being placed in a bucket of fresh river water covered with clear polythene and placed in the sun.
- Leaf and Grass cuttings
- Melon Skins
- Ground up Egg shells
- Carrots
- Nettles
- Potato Skins
- Tea and Coffee grounds
- Old cannabis leaves
I highly diluted this potent mix and used in almost every other watering session throughout there lives.
Watering :
The plants were watered almost as soon as they showed signs of drought (leaves hanging was usually my first sign), which was around twice a week. The plants were all watered with fresh running river water (i live in the mountains right next to a stream). Now that the girls have started to flower i let them sit a few days longer after first signs of drought so that they really suck up the high EC water which i provide them in there feed. My theory being that it will trick the plants into thinking there has been a true drought and they will suck up and store the nutrients which i provide by mixing the tea and organic P and K.
I also believe the drying will help the roots suck up oxygen at the same time.
(If this is incorrect, maybe someone more experienced could give me some guidance, I'm always willing to learn)
The Location :
South France / Northern Spain Region. The plants are next to a river and the temperatures this time of year (August) are mid to high 30c.
The plants get direct sunlight from around 10:00am to around 5:00pm. They are also in a location where the wind blows down the river and into the corner they are growing in, from what i understand this helps circulate air and also strengthens the stems at an early age. This thickens the main stem and allows for more nutrients and water to be sucked up.
My Experience
I have done a few indoor grows and grown a singular plant outside one year, more just to learn than anything. I have friends who also grow indoor and outdoor and have done for many years so they provide me with some good advice, but any more advice is always welcomed.
Other Things to Note
Around the time Pre-Flowers started showing i covered the surface of the soil within the pots with large pebbles to try and slow down evaporation as the plants started to dry out a lot quicker in the mid-day sun. But i did find that this actually just made the soil 'soggy' and stopped the plants breathing as well. Around 2 weeks after i removed these and this seemed to help the roots breathe again.
Just into flowering i actually upped the dosage of nutes too high and caused a lockout on 2-3 of the plants. Being inexperienced i did the schoolboy error of mistaking the symptoms for a hunger for nutrients and increased the nutrient strength futher. When i realised it was a lockout and the yellowing was spreading upward from the bottom of the plants, I had to flush the plants and re-balance the soil which seems to be okay now. The only problem is that on two of the plants the yellowing doesn't seem to have 'reversed' any, is this normal? The spreading of yellowing leaves has stopped, but it hasn't got any better.
I go by the theory that the yellowing leaves should be left, thinking that if the plant doesn't need them anymore she will drop them off. In the meantime she can take any nutrients from the yellowing leaves if required. I actually trimmed most of the yellow leaves from Plant #1 after the lockout to do a bit of a side by side comparison between the plants which were left - and it now actually looks really healthy and all around darker. Is this a coincidence or has anyone else experienced this?
Plant Summary :
Plant #1 started flowering slightly earlier than the rest and is looking really healthy, wide and has plenty of tops. Plant #2 is looking really healthy and tall, but started flowering last. Plant #4 has always been the tallest plant and has looked nice from the start, but she is looking slightly more light green coloured than the rest of the plants (is this a reason to worry? maybe an N deficiency?). Finally, plant #3 is looking more 'Christmas Tree' shaped, but has a nice amount of tops. This was the first plant to display the lockout symptoms and is probably the yellowest of the plants on its major leaves - although all the new growth looks nice and dark throughout.
In general all the new growth looks nice and dark, it is just the lower areas which suffered yellowing in the lockout.
I'm a true believer in Karma-Marijuana and look after my plants and tend to them every day. I hope you enjoy this thread and the pictures posted below, this is my first thread here - so please don't be too harsh

Thanks for Reading