First symptoms of nut lockup or?



My little ones are only eight days old, all seemed ok, but yesterday I noticed something like this. Spots are only one one of my 4 plants, but other`s leaf veins look suspicious for me. I`m only growing for second time.

One of:




Mg def caused by nutlockup or something else?


Well-Known Member
What's your soil pH? Fastest way to tell if it's nute lockup, potentially riding the line of lockup.. or it's something completely different.


What's your soil pH? Fastest way to tell if it's nute lockup, potentially riding the line of lockup.. or it's something completely different.
Just measured run off water - it was around 6.4 (Watered with something around 6.4-6.5). Sticked ph meter in soil, despite it not suited for that, but only for liquids, and got something around 6.2-6.3.

It is kinda on border line, but should I do some flushing a bit to correct ph level or should i just wait and see what happening?


more details, broski. pH sounds spot on. how often are you watering? overwatering can do this.

They are only eight days old, so initial wet medium, plus a bit of water two times. But initial medium was a bit too damp.

I noticed these signs yesterday, at that moment uper part of soil was allready dry and had mowed away from waals of pot.

Could it be causes by water that is around 7,5 ph? Last watering accidentally was done by that. Nevertheless today`s soil and run of water was quite ok.

P.S. Sorry for my English, it`s not my native.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Your plants look perfectly fine to me, with the exception of some discoloration in the leaves. They are still small, so make sure you don't water too much. At that size, I'm only using a spray bottle to water my girls. Also, be very careful with nutes at this stage.


And today I noticed some weird dots on one my plant`s two leaves. In general it looks ok, but... Maybe I`m overcaring.



It seems that discoloration is becoming stronger and leaves start to curl.

I checked ph of soil (mixed soil with water) and is around 6.4-6.6, and had let plants to dry a bit before water again

Could this be caused by hard water (CA blocks Mg?) I did filter my tap the water, but maybe I should switch to bottled water?

Or could I have accidentally provoked lack of nutrition by flushing soil? At the beginning I put soil in pots, watered it too much and forgo to add perlite, therefore I did squeezed out all extra water.


Well-Known Member
If you filtered, you prob need cal mag soon..but really you shouldn't be nuting right now if you are


Well-Known Member
I second hotrodharley.

Nutrients/Mg deficiency/fertilizers/pH/lockout/hermaphrodites

All way overblown as problems around here.

The number one problem is impatience. Let them grow.

That should be good news!