first succesful clones and first time with rockwool

Ok so I have a few questions about cloning and rockwool. I have 9 clones that came off 3 mothers 2 weeks into flower and luckily they all rooted (my first try by the way), the clones are sitting in 1x1x1 rockwool cubes inside of a tray with a dome and there is hydroton covering the rockwool cubes (was told to stop light from hitting the cubes so no mold will grow on them so I used clay pellets brand name hydroton). I have been misting the cover, pre soaked the 1x1x1 cubes that the clones are in with general organics and got to feed them once using general organics 3 ml of grow and 3 ml of cal mag.

-First question is probably relativly easy for people who clone with rockwool. After my clones have rooted and I pull them out of the clay pellets with their big bunch of roots how do I put them into a bigger cube (4x4x4 with pre drilled hole on top) without hurting or cramming the roots in the small hole?

-Second question is how much nutrients do I pre soak the bigger cube of rockwool in and do I still pre soak at 5.5 ph?

-Third question is What do I place the bigger cubes in?? Do I leave them on a bigger tray with nothing covering the cubes or do I put them in a bucket with hydroton covering the cubes?

-Fourth and final question for now is: Whenever I transplant to bigger cubes is it ok to just pull the block and roots right up and out of the hydroton or will that mess the roots up too much? Ive heard of people cutting roots but to me I would think thats a little to extreme but what do I know I still reak of newbie.


Well-Known Member
Question - Why are you moving from one cube to another? The goal of cloning is to take a cutting and convince it to root.
Once rooted it goes into dirt, cube and all.



Active Member
Firstly Rockwell into soil. second Rooting hormone is the only thing that goes in before the seed. Thirdly, You don't you put it in soil, Lastly don't cut the roots the more the better.


Well-Known Member
When i clone using 1 inch rockwool cubes once i see roots emerging from the cube ill place them in the 4 inch one. U dnt want to wait for the roots to get too long or u will damage them. Mind u, i only use 4 inch during hydro grows. If using soil ill place 1 inch cubes in soil. Roots can be a little longer in this case. Normal time for me is 10 to 14 days. For 4 inch cubes you dnt need nutes right away. Just soak the cubes in the designated pH water and u will be fine. It will only help if u do tho. Use a low strength mix to start. You can then add nutes thru ur hydro set up. I cover my rockwool with hydroton when using hydroponic set up. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
1. you don't pull the plant from the cube, ther're be no roots left and you'll kill it.
2. place the small cube on top of the big cube, secure it withe tooth picks, the roots will grow through the small into the larger one, but you don't have to put it on or in a bigger cube, just put it in the medium you plan to gow it in, hydroton, soil, or rockwool, if rockwool, just place it on top as I stated, the roots will grow thru the cube into the rockwool.