First Small Grow


Active Member
damn man, the grow is sounding amazing, i got way behind been busy with shit the passed few days. But good to see you're able to upgrade, soon i will too, with funds coming in, ill be set in a month or so.


Well-Known Member
Not yet. But proble tomrrow I will get them. That one is a cfl but I am thinking that it is the same as the other ones that I have.


Well-Known Member
Not yet. But proble tomrrow I will get them. That one is a cfl but I am thinking that it is the same as the other ones that I have.

It's soft white, which is 2700k. you can tell by the color. The red/orange lights are for flowering and the really bright white for veg. The following rule applies with mh/hps. I think that lamp would be good though. I would place one of those reflectors directly above the plant about 2 inches with a fan of course.


Well-Known Member
Would a soft whit light work? My nabors next door have a bunch of them that they said that I can use.

My plant looks like it is diying



Well-Known Member
Looks light your over watering it. Yes, the lights you have will work,but 6500k is more ideal for thick vegative growth. Make sure you only water when the top crusts over and the itself feels light.


Well-Known Member
I thought that might be the problem. Now I will wait a couple of days befor I water agion. I was just about to water it


Well-Known Member
You should wait at least 3 days then check it. As the plant grows it will suck up water faster. What size pot is it in? Is that a coffee can?


Well-Known Member
Will you be able to transplant it out of that can and into a bigger one within a week or 2, because you will need to transplant soon.


Well-Known Member
The pot is great, but he soil is no good unless you plan on not adding any nutes, because the soil contains slow realease. The slow realese makes it harder to add nutes later when they need it. Alos, your plant is small and is at risk of nute burm with slow realease.

I also attached a picture of one of my babies with nute burn from slow realease.



Well-Known Member
That is true. I got a little bit of nut burn on one of my leaves. But it was only on the tip of one leaf and no were else


Well-Known Member
Hve you used that soil yet? If not return it and get organic soil that says feed after 2 weeks of planting. This would be ideal.