first sighs of female plant

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
OMG, head for the bunkers, the world is about to end, ol Hyde actually agreed with something I said, wow, will wonders never cease, although now that I think about, his advice is always shit....
good catch ButchyBoy, the circled area is giving me second thoughts on my first call.
Dr. Jekyll

I merely said you "may be right", I didn't actually agree with you, nor would I even if you were right, not saying that you are right or that you ever will be right
Mr. Hyde


good catch ButchyBoy, the circled area is giving me second thoughts on my first call.
Dr. Jekyll

I merely said you "may be right", I didn't actually agree with you, nor would I even if you were right, not saying that you are right or that you ever will be right
Mr. Hyde
Lmao, d-bong.
phones a bitch to focus when taking pics so not the best,i have check behind the pistilsand cant find and balls growing just new leave/stems growing behind,DSC_0221[1].jpgDSC_0222[1].jpgDSC_0223[1].jpgDSC_0224[1].jpgDSC_0227[1].jpgDSC_0228[1].jpgDSC_0230[1].jpgDSC_0231[1].jpgDSC_0228[1].jpg