First Shiskaberry Chemdog Grow

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
So this is pretty much my first grow, Ive played around before but never serious, now with a Medical Card Im going to start growing instead of buying it constantly. I have a 4x4x6'5 grow tent, a 400w MH/HPS Light with one more 400w MH/HPScoming soon! I dont have a Inline fan, but using my stoney skills I rigged up a 8in fan at the exhaust port to blow out air constantly, I also have a osclating fan with a ionizor to kill bacteria and mold, but I use that just for air movment, but I have no intake fan but there are vents at the bottom of the tent that let in air. At the moment I have A Shiskaberry clone that is aroung a foot tall but is very bushy, I've topped her numerous times. Also I have a Chemdog clone that is around 16-17 inches tall but is very stretch as you can see in the picture but I Fimmed the top of her and now she is starting to fill out. But hopefully soon my White Widow Fem. seeds be here! Im still questioning when to flower the Shiskaberry and Chemdog. Im using no nutes at the moment because I have organic soil, but when I flower I plan on using Humboldt Bushmaster and FF TigerBloom. So any ideas or questions are glady appreciated!

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
So it's been a little more than a week since I had my little girls! Now they're really starting to grow, I've worked out most on the problems I have had so far, which hasn't been much thank god! But Chemdog is really starting to impress me, she has really grown and just popped some preflowers a couple days ago. Her latteral (Sorry If I Mispell) are growing almost a 1/2"-1" a day. At my first attempt of FIM'ing I did a pretty good job I think, I have 4 new branches coming from the top, which have really started to pick up the pace. And my favorite of the bunch Shiskaberry has been great! Not growing as fast as the Chemog has but she also has has bout 40 more bud spots so Im not trippin to hard, she looks healthly, mabye she is just a slow grower. Ive also decided when to flower, Im thinking when Chemdog is about 3ft tall or so, and Im hoping the Shiskaberry will be about 2ft tall by then. Ive taken a clone from the Shiskaberry and she is doing very well, I have her in a humidty dome on top of a tray of vermiculite to in a rockwool startercube under 24/7 floro tubes, Its been about 4 days so Im hoping for roots anytime now! Im expecting to have a new light in about 2 weeks, so it will probably be used mostly for flowering. Still feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions! Oh and I forgot! My White Widow Seeds will be here hoefully this following week! I took a real chance on a this Seedbank, and they have impressed me so far, but lets wait and see.


Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
So a quick update, even though not one person has probably read this damn thing once all the way through! But thank you if you have. But Chemdog is growing at about 2-3 inches a day, when i measured her yesterday morning she was 17.5in tall now this morning she is 20in tall with 4 new branches, while shiskaberry is not growing tall but a lot more bushy but shes at about 15in tall and growing about a inch everyday I would say. Thanks for reading if you did... And Im going to keep this updated. Also still no seeds but the tracking # says its on its way, so lets hope.

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Yes it has started! I was surprised I thought I was going to need to veg them for another week or so! But Chemdog has reached 25in and ShiskaBerry at 16in So I decided to flower sence I only have a 6'5" vertical grow space and my light needs to have 15-20in of space. I watered them using 7.5ml/gal of Humboldt Bushmaster and Ph'd the water a little lower than usual, Around 5.5-6.0, I usually use 6.5-7.0. Ive heard reports of shiskaberry being ready to harvest 42 days in to flowering a few others said 63 days. I have no idea how long chemdog takes to flower, so if anybody so happens to know would you please tell me! Or if not I ride it out and just keep checking ( Btw I use the trichomes to tell when to harvest not the hairs)! So lets hope! And im still waiting for the seeds I guess they'll be here soon so says the shipping company. Now I have to build a vegg room, I was thinking just to build a box thats about 4ft long and 2ft tall and 2ft wide, I was planning on using six 4ft floros, then paint it a glossy white inside. Would that be ideal for a veg room? So any ideas would help!


Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Okay so quick update, I now have some plain ol bag seed sprouted in a rockwool cube, a clone which still hasn't rooted! A Obama OG planted a day ago, and a white widow feminized seed germinating. Oh and yes my seeds did come in! So I found a reliable website now! I have all those sitting on a bed of vermiculite because I didnt want to damage the roots from the seedling in the rockwool cube, and also it hold moisture for more humidity, and this is in a small little room i built, and they're under two 2ft T5 fluoros running 24/7, which seems to be working so far. Im really hoping this Obama sprouts, the smoke is amazing! Also the Chemdog has grown about 2 inches and the lower branch are almost even with the top, and the Shiskaberry has grown about 3 inches and and really filled out, so they seems to be taking flowering very well and I finally perfected dosage for the Humboldt County Bushmaster. Will have new pictures up soon. But damn I really wish someone read this. Haha

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
So all the seedlings are doing great, I have 5 at the moment, I'm expecting one to pop up anyday now, and one more but Im not to sure about it. Now my flowering plants. Shiskaberry and Chemdog, also one more plant that is a re-vegg, I swear the re-vegged plant is the strongest plant in the world! I have been through everything at it has survived everything and flourished, and no signs of balls either, so lets hope. Now Chem-dog has just impressed me through and through, all I can do is rave about the strain so far, so lets hope the yeild is good. She has been growing non-stop, shes grown 3 inches in 5 days of flower, and have produced double her foilage in 5 days, lower branches now meet the top. Im expecting her to be about 4ft at LEAST when done flowering. Do you know what kind of yeild that would be? Shiskaberry is has been growing very fast to, but I did acidently give her a lil nute burn when I used the Humboldt Bushmaster. But now she has 4 new tops that have been putting a leaf out a day, she has branches everywhere, and more bud sites than I can count. Still trying to get pics, I'll probabaly try to right now actually. So please feel free to ask any questions!


Active Member
how far away are your lights? the first pic looks like the plant is stretching for the light, the others look great

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
About 18in away, and I bought the clone actually looking like that. The pictures afterwards are all from me growing them.

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
So I got rid of my grow tent after experiencing PVC outgassing, it's the last time I ever touch one of those exucution chambers! So I ended up build a veg and flower room out of my closet, the veg room is 3x3x8 and the flower is 3x4x8. Next week I am buying a 600w HPS cooltube to put in the flower room and I am putting the 400w MH in the veg room. I have 7 seedlings, only two of them are real seeds the other are just some bag seed. Also I have took a clone off of Shiskaberry before I flowered her and she is now rooted and in a Hyrdo system, also I have one of the bag seeds in another one, Im using 2 Waterfarms from GH. But one is a Northern Lights Fem. seed, yes I know it's not a for sure female, and the other is a Obama OG Kush. My flowering girls are 2 weeks in to flowering and are showing amazing looking buds! So tell me what ya think!

