First setup


Hi, I just wanted to show off my very first room,
its a 5x5 with a 1000hps I hope that I have made it easy enough that it can be sustainable.
Currently I am working on all random seeds, (a nono right? lol) but hopefully I will get a few nice mothers to be re-home'd.
Please Please feel free to comment as I am learning and new to here and would really like to grow the best I can
Currently my little (hopefully) gals are right around 2 weeks from germination
I will keep posted.



The one picture of the filter is sideways. The filter is sitting on the floor.
Are charcoal filters more of a use on the intake part of the set up or are they just as effective as the exhaust?


Well-Known Member
Ok first off nice setup:) now for the filter, it should be used on the exhaust side (air being removed from the tent) it takes the smell out of the hot air being taken out. I use a filter on both intake an exhaust in my tent. Do you have a inline fan for exhaust and intake?


Well-Known Member
I think this setup is banging for flowering (kudos) but i think that trying to select mothers from this will be tough, not only do watch individual growth, but if if this is an aero/nft setup then the roots will be very long and intertwined. almost impossible to get a mature plant out of there i would think. if u find the ones u like quickly enough just throw them in a DIY dwc tub. or cooler.

anyways, very nice setup. +rep for u


Well-Known Member
I think this setup is banging for flowering (kudos) but i think that trying to select mothers from this will be tough, not only do watch individual growth, but if if this is an aero/nft setup then the roots will be very long and intertwined. almost impossible to get a mature plant out of there i would think. if u find the ones u like quickly enough just throw them in a DIY dwc tub. or cooler.

anyways, very nice setup. +rep for u
Agreed, bigz is right. I would label all the plants 1-2-3 and whatever, then right before you send them into flower take cuttings from each and label them the same as the one you took the cutting from, then when flowering is done you can choose the one you like the most ( best yield, quality etc...) and mother that cutting. This is a great way to select good pheno's and weed out bad genetics.


Great, yes that sounds like a good idea to me to start labels and whatknot, I can already guess that there are 5-7 clear winner out of this batch. This is not a aeroponic system just a (normal?) drip feed. I was leaning toward aeroponic but was talked out of it at my supply shop being a first time grower.

thanks bigz2277 for that bit about the roots, it never occurred to me. I am going to get straight on that. (stickers for the best performers)

I once heard that seeds that came out of mature buds are feminized? is this true? I have done my best to filter and *weed out all of the worthless information on the net but alas, some has made it through.

ah yeah, N my fans are all over the place. I have a big 6" inline on top of my filter drawing from 2 spots (up top in the tent) and then I have made up a bunch of smaller inline fans for the room. I have charcoal filters on all my air ->in ducts and just the one big one for exhaust.

@drgreenthumb My question about the big filter tho is, should I hang it in the room and suck through it? or is it ok to have it outside the room and exhaust out of it. in my mind it is a big difference but, perhaps not?

thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
A femm'ed seed is produced by taking 2 females (usually different strains unless backcrossing), and by stressing one in certain ways you can get it to produce a male flower on a female plant. When a hermy polinates another female it results in a purely genetic female seed, but since they "father" was stressed into producing those flowers, the offspring have an increased chance to herm.
If you are really trying to get the best genetics possible. i would grow those seeds and flower them just to get by. get some good genetic seeds (i would recommend gage green genetics) they are on attitude and hellraizer30 is a tester for them ^_^. There are also tricks to weeding out males faster but i would not recommend this as a novice grower. anyways im subbed ^_^


Ok so, I am a slacker, but this is what ive got;

after a quick 5 or so week veg from RANDOM KUSH SEEDS ( perhaps a few ak47?) I changed the lights a week ago to the 12-12.
I had to remove 7? 8? males :( - very sad face indeed, but I thought pretty good tho to be around 75% female from seed!!! maybe? :) everything in the tent is now verifyed female.

Any guesses on final weigh in?

I got onto a kelp/seaweed foliar (sp?) spray and it works magic! maybe?

so once again, 1 week into flower.
They all seem super super healthy, I even over nuted once by abit, flushed 'em and they seemed to love it? explane yourself!

Also noticed that watering down my mixture by about +10% really seems to help the late day whilt.IMG_1431.jpgIMG_1432.jpgIMG_1430.jpgIMG_1434.jpg

P.s. threw in a pic of my new veg room, made it today out of a few 2x3's and what was left of a tent. I am quite proud of myself and will be going to get some t5's tomorrow. I am thinking a ebb and flow table?

Cant wait to medicate myself with my little girls,

p.p.s. No haters, I know I shouldnt be storing water in a clear container, it just what I use for my 24Hwater (i like to do 48h water...
p.p.whatever......... I am using 3 " baskets so in my opinion that stem is good yea?