First Scrog - Got a question


New Member
I am scrogging 6 plants in 5 gallon buckets in a 43"x53" area. The plants have been 12/12 now for 8 or 9 days and are starting to bud. At what point do I stop stuffing branches back under the wire and let them do they're thing?0719111859b.jpg0719111900.jpg


Well-Known Member
soon as they, reach your desired canopy height. (meaning how far you want the branches to be above the wire.) if they just started flowering you should get a little more growth and by the looks for it should be good. I would let her be for now. Curious what others have to say


Active Member
depends totally on the strain.

some will stretch a lot after you switch to 12/12 and some wont. some you may want to continue to pull down for 1 to 2 weeks after switching to 12/12 and other will be fine to leave alone after you make the switch. personal preference also has a lot to do with it and the amount of light you have and your cooling capabilities.

from you pics your plants don't seem dense enough to need to be scroged anymore during flower. the scrog im doing atm i had to keep it all under 6" from the screen dew to the density of tops (about 1 top per 1.5"). it was kinda a novilty grow and way to much work but atm most my buds have now grown together into one big mat of bud =).

in your case i think you will be fine the way they are as long as you got a good light. and from the pics it does look like you got a hps at least.


New Member
I noticed that I inverted my picture dates in my folder those first pics are kinda old, also I should have mentioned they are under glass 600W Hortilux,great white hood with 170cfm 4" exhaust.
Heres pics as of this morning.


New Member
I also am noticing something else I'm wondering about, the buds that are growing in shadow are developing faster than the ones recieving direct light.
what's up with that?
i feel like six plants should be a little denser, maybe try hanging your light a little lower then moving it up as they grow. dont move it to close though as the plants will get bushy and not too much taller. just a thought. for faster growth light is the most important part, the amount of light available controls the speed of metabolism within the plant along with natural things like oxygen and co2 and just the right reserve of nutrients till they get big then they're fat girls n eat like um too. yours are past that point but strongly recommend the light suggestion


Active Member
lol i have no idea why your shaded buds would be developing faster the ones getting direct light. they look good tho