first scog attempt


Well-Known Member
thats totally normal. nice little grow man, she looks to be indica dom. by the way she's budding. looks sweet


Well-Known Member
you got about another 25 days or so on this grow.
DON'T PICK TOO EARLY get a lighted microscope so u can clearly see the tricomes

nz green

Active Member
kool thanks man indica dominant i thought so to someone told me it was sativa dominant that will explain why it smells like white rhino but i didnt think it was because of the leaf shape 25 days u rekon is that including flushing and will they get bigger in that time there nice colans now dont get me wrong but i could do with bigger ones lol!

nz green

Active Member
new ladies in my life 2week old clones cherry skunk nice indicas branching out nicely these ones are growing faster than my last ones same feed canna nutes and additives anyone know this strand i was thinking of veging for 3 more weeks anyone got a good indica technique



Active Member
great journal man, well done they looked amazing! im thinking of doing scrog but not sure if im going to?? well done

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Nice grow nz this was with 1 400watt? I'm just about to start my first and thought of sog but you made a hell of a sell on scrog ! What did you make your screen from looks like a BB net! Again nice grow hope I do half as well.

nz green

Active Member
thanks bigweeds i was happy with those two but this time round im way more confident even tho it was my first hydro and scrog i did a hell of alot of reading just little practice and to ol hippy thanks man for dropping in i used a 400mh for veg and 2 400w for flowering 1 mh and 1 hps for first 3 weeks then both hps for the rest


Wow, I cant believe theres not that many posts! I think the plants are looking great! Im subscribed~
How do you like the scrog and did it increase yield? Allow shorter light height for cramped spaces?


yea man scrog was great should have planed it better i made it to cramped to get around lol cheers
Haha yea. Looked like it was gonna be a bitch to separate the plants from the scrog! So did it actually help keep your plants height low? I was thinking this would work perfect for my setup so I dont have to cut the table legs :mrgreen: Did it Increase your yield?

nz green

Active Member
definitly kept height down they would have been huge otherwise not sure on yeild was my first hydro and scrog this time round should be heaps better i recon i could have got way more on the last two if i knew what i know now im not scroging this time but definitly gona do it again


Yea I would figure you would be able to yield more considering the plants would expose more surface areas in some ways using a scrog. Its something I want to try for sure

nz green

Active Member
going mean they were tiny when i got them 2 and a half weeks later i even snapped the stems now there branching out i fimed the top every top now has 3 or 4 heads now and ill just tie it back instead of scrog


Just saw the thread...loving it man. I think Im going to have to build a screen now, before mine get too big, that looks awesome.