first salvia trip


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

i'm doing salvia for the first time tonight. i'm a little nervous and excited and hopeful. i've been reading up on salvia like crazy and i think that this is going to be a real mind expanding experience. i'm using a tincture (an extract of the active ingredient in salvia, salivorum a, suspended in grain alcohol and water) to administer the drug. i'm not down with smoking something that a culture believes is part of their bodies and religion. i think it's disrespectful.

i'll report back this evening after the trip and let you all know how it goes. i hope you'll check back later and take a read. is there anyone who has taken salvia successfully (or unsuccessfully, i guess) and would be willing to share their experiences? i would appreciate it. thanks guys! talk to you soon! :peace:


this is a letter that i just wrote to the founder of he is one of the original people who brought salvia divinorum to western culture in the past 20 years. no trip report here. just a really shaken up, changed guy.

Dear Daniel,
I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making this sacred plant available to Western culture. Thank you for doing it respectfully and with the willingness to share it freely. I purchased the tincture from you and had my first salvia experience this evening. Thank you.

I'm not going to bore you with a "trip report". I think that that cheapens the experience. I also am not going to try to verbalize my experience. I think that the profound effects of salvia divinorum can't be put into words. I feel different, like nothing is ever going to be the same. I ate some food to ground myself after my experience. The food wasn't the best I'd ever had or the sweetest or anything like that, but it was real. The reality of the food going into my mouth was different than it used to be. My reality is different. I don't know how else to say it. I guess that's why I am writing to you, because I know you will understand what I mean. I really understand the concept of "us" and "them" now. I am now a part of a group of people who have used salvia divinorum in the way that it was meant to be used, respectfully and carefully and with deep care to experience it's mind expanding effects openly. And then there is the group of people who have not experienced that. And we are profoundly different people. It's strange.

Well, I hope that this letter finds you well. I hope that whatever you are doing, you are blessed in it. Thank you again.


there you go, guys. i don't know how else to express it. wow.


Well-Known Member
I've taken salvia 3 times in my life.

The first time I didn't trip, but the other two I really did. You have to "BreakThrough", to get the full affect.

I can't say I liked the high. You have no control really and it doesn't last long at all... I'd compare it to Duster. But alot of people do like it, its just not my kind of drug...

Make sure you do it right, use a torch lighter and a bowl and keep the flame on the salvia as you hit it.


Active Member
idk bout the x man ive heard all types of trippy shit bout that...thats why i stick to green & every once in a while some shroomage do shrooms man its fun and the high is good...smoke before you do it to thats what i did loved the fuck out of it both times...


Well i remember my first trip vividly. and it was about 6 months ago. I was all by myself, outside on the balcony 27 floors up. I used a glass pipe, and took my first hoot and held it in. I started to feel a little tingly. So i took a second hit. I don't even remember exhaling, all i remember is it felt like someone was trying to pull me to another dimension, and he was telling me that this world isn't real, comeback to the real world. I really had to fight for my life. His hands had a strong grip on me and wouldn't let go. Right away I knew that I was trippin hard, so I reached for my phone to call my sister. To get back in touch with reality. Well I tried calling her 5 or 6 times, and each time the operator would come on saying the number u are trying to reach is not in service. Well that little voice in my head loved that 1 and took advantage right away. He started telling me "See This world isn't real, no phone numbers are real, come back to the real world". Well This kinda tripped me out a bit, so I figured I'd lay down for a minute to clear my head. Boy was I wrong. This thing started to pull me through the couch, repeating "What are you waiting for? Let's go"I just couldn't escape this guy. So I tried once more to call my sister. Finally I got through, and almost as quickly as the trip started, it was over. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I've tried salvia a couple more times, and haven't tripped again, all i get is the lego effect if u will. Everything around kinda looks like lego people, and their movement are quite shaky. I've done a little bit of research on the effects of salvia, and to my surprise I'm not the only person to have this trip. Many people have had the exact same trip as i had. That someone or something is trying to pull them to another dimension. All in all it was definitely trip, and id recommend it to anyone. Its definitely an experience. and I only tried the 20x. Imagine what the 80x would


Active Member
personally I was a much bigger fan of "cartoon land" brought on by real lsd, which the availability of kind of waxes and wanes over time. Most the stuff floating these days have strychnine in them and can actually make it hard to breathe if you take enough. Salvia... yeah it's intense but short usually. As said above though, you have very little to no control over the trip it brings. I've been told to make sure you are calm and comfortable , and not sweating when you hit it, and it will bring a milder trip. I have not actually met perfect conditions while using it, and I no longer do so I can't verify that.


Well-Known Member
Well i remember my first trip vividly. and it was about 6 months ago. I was all by myself, outside on the balcony 27 floors up. I used a glass pipe, and took my first hoot and held it in. I started to feel a little tingly. So i took a second hit. I don't even remember exhaling, all i remember is it felt like someone was trying to pull me to another dimension, and he was telling me that this world isn't real, comeback to the real world. I really had to fight for my life. His hands had a strong grip on me and wouldn't let go. Right away I knew that I was trippin hard, so I reached for my phone to call my sister. To get back in touch with reality. Well I tried calling her 5 or 6 times, and each time the operator would come on saying the number u are trying to reach is not in service. Well that little voice in my head loved that 1 and took advantage right away. He started telling me "See This world isn't real, no phone numbers are real, come back to the real world". Well This kinda tripped me out a bit, so I figured I'd lay down for a minute to clear my head. Boy was I wrong. This thing started to pull me through the couch, repeating "What are you waiting for? Let's go"I just couldn't escape this guy. So I tried once more to call my sister. Finally I got through, and almost as quickly as the trip started, it was over. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I've tried salvia a couple more times, and haven't tripped again, all i get is the lego effect if u will. Everything around kinda looks like lego people, and their movement are quite shaky. I've done a little bit of research on the effects of salvia, and to my surprise I'm not the only person to have this trip. Many people have had the exact same trip as i had. That someone or something is trying to pull them to another dimension. All in all it was definitely trip, and id recommend it to anyone. Its definitely an experience. and I only tried the 20x. Imagine what the 80x would
I would of been like ok lets go man your right this world aint real lol

Purp Farmer

Active Member
When i take shrooms i trip hard, it's like i can feel 2 different brains thinking in my brain and i can hear they chatting about different idea's and then ill get into a long deep think with my self about how small we are compared to the our galaxy let alone our whole universe! Them i start thinking about how were so small and only are in one galaxy, there is over millions of other galaxy's out there, so we can't be the only one's on a liveable planet. Then i'll start talking about problems in the world and how someone could easily fix them permently. Lol i think a lot where i trip, if i smoke a lot of high quality cannibis i think hard like this also, usually when i start talking =P


Well-Known Member
Thats what I like about gentle DMT, it brings out the jesters and pretty lights until you need to take the leap of faith.

I have some 40X salvia extract leaves, and as a well worn tripper, I'm almost too scared to use it...


Well-Known Member
Well i remember my first trip vividly. and it was about 6 months ago. I was all by myself, outside on the balcony 27 floors up. I used a glass pipe, and took my first hoot and held it in. I started to feel a little tingly. So i took a second hit. I don't even remember exhaling, all i remember is it felt like someone was trying to pull me to another dimension, and he was telling me that this world isn't real, comeback to the real world. I really had to fight for my life. His hands had a strong grip on me and wouldn't let go. Right away I knew that I was trippin hard, so I reached for my phone to call my sister. To get back in touch with reality. Well I tried calling her 5 or 6 times, and each time the operator would come on saying the number u are trying to reach is not in service. Well that little voice in my head loved that 1 and took advantage right away. He started telling me "See This world isn't real, no phone numbers are real, come back to the real world". Well This kinda tripped me out a bit, so I figured I'd lay down for a minute to clear my head. Boy was I wrong. This thing started to pull me through the couch, repeating "What are you waiting for? Let's go"I just couldn't escape this guy. So I tried once more to call my sister. Finally I got through, and almost as quickly as the trip started, it was over. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I've tried salvia a couple more times, and haven't tripped again, all i get is the lego effect if u will. Everything around kinda looks like lego people, and their movement are quite shaky. I've done a little bit of research on the effects of salvia, and to my surprise I'm not the only person to have this trip. Many people have had the exact same trip as i had. That someone or something is trying to pull them to another dimension. All in all it was definitely trip, and id recommend it to anyone. Its definitely an experience. and I only tried the 20x. Imagine what the 80x would
HAHA, this is classic man. Makes me defo wanna try this and I think I am at the weekend. I wouldn't of done it on a 27th floor balcony tho JESUS!

Not sure about the letter in the first post tho, about having not lived until trying it etc. I'd say 75% of people who have done it say its pretty nasty and not for them!

I do like the fact that the effect/high only lasts a little while, im a pretty big tripper and couldnt handle having a bad one for several hours!!!


Well-Known Member
me and some friends got are hands on some salvia a while back, but that shit smelled so fake and soapy no one wanted to smoke it.

i've never smelt salvia other then then but it smelled like soap or something to me, and i didnt really trust the guy we got it from. can anyone try to explain smell and look?

...good thing we only got 5$ worth :mrgreen: