First run on the new set up... multiple strains

Whats going on guys? welcome to my world! whooaaaa So here it goes.. stopped growing for awhile and decided I missed it to much and my med expense is killing me... had to get all new equipment so heres the stats:

2- 1000k watt convertable mh/hps
1- 600 watt hps
1- 400 watt lumatek
1- 6 bulb 4 foot T5ho
CAP ebb and grow w/ 6 site expansion
3 x 3 table
ez clone 30

and all the little gizmos and gadgets a man could want :)

So this all started a couple months ago with a couple feminized seeds and the 400. Then after finding out a couple family members were also patients(whoda thought lol) The expansion began. The seeds were all growen out to be used as mothers but have since been throwen into flower after there first batch of clones opting for more space. heres a run down of the strains:
-White Widow (Dinafem)
-Power kush (Dinafem)
-Lemon Skunk (Dinafem)
-California Hash Plant (Dinafem)
-K-Train (Green House Seeds)
-Kings Kush (Green House Seeds)
-Pineapple Express
-Midnight Kush

So right now there are 12 soil plants in flower(two weeks today), and I have 7 clones that got dumped on me(bigbud and unknowen White Widow) that have been in the ebb and grow for a week. Just potted the others with my clones filling up the 18 buckets last night. Ok so thats where I am right now. Ill snap some pics tonight and in the morning and get them up so you can see whats in your take it easy and have a great night! I hear some super lemon haze calling my name! :bigjoint:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
right on man, that's a lot of strains I'm scribed. I quit growing for a long time it's really hard to stop and than buy meds I know, especially when you can grow it way better.
Saturday morning cartoons have really went down the pisser... well heres some pics to start the morning off. :bigjoint:
(Someone wanna hook me up and fill me in on how to get my pics in the actual thread so you don"t have to open thumbnails? Do I have to upload them somewhere else and embed the url? Not super computer savvy..but working on it!)

OK for now a shot of both tents. Dont get me started on the tent debate. I used to own 2 Hydrohuts and another brand cant remember... but those all off gassed and killed everything I had goin. I couldnt figure it out! After killing or not getting anygrowth out of a couple straight crops I packed up and sold everything... STUPID TENTS! Only later to find out about the off gassing issue and the REFUND!:wall:
Too the present, the DarkRooks and GrowLabs... THE ONLY WAY TO GO!!! Growlabs are actualy made from the Secret Jardin/Homebox(only other reputible tent, but I never owned one) merge so are the best of both worlds!

Pic 2 and 3 are looking into the large DR. Thats a can 66, and 2 sealed hoods with 1000 watt HPS. There is a canfan 6HO sitting on top of the tent pulling and the shooting it out of the area.

Pics 4, 5, and 6 are of some of my hardware. R/O water filter and my main electrical board housing 3 of my ballasts, two different circuits, my ph/ppm/ec meter for my ebb and grow, and the insurance policy!:clap:

Last pic is a look under the 2 1000's. The larger 7 on the right are all clones that a couple family members just decided to buy without checking with me... but after they spent all the dough I was kind of obligated.. I swear the bigbuds are off a reveg as they are growing RETARDED! lol I have revegged in the past and always got that funky weired growth. The rest came from my mother selection before I flowered them. I will snap some pics of the smaller tent inside in a few when the lights come on. :bigjoint:


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Man the lemon Haze first thing in the morning put me in the

ok so here some shots of the GL145. Its is eventually gonna have the 3 x 3 table in it, with my ez clone on a lil shelf. I am gonna have the T5 fixture in there for cloning and veg and then they will move to the big tent and get transplanted into the ebb and grow. Right now it has all of the plants I grew from seed to use as moms and decided to just flower. These will all move into the big tent as soon as the ones in the ebb and grow flip to 12/12, probably next week. I am a lil tight because of a lease inspection in april/may:wall: I can tear down and move small plants but dont wanna move plants that are 8 weeks into flower, so these might have to get cut down at 7.. I hate to do it but well play it by ear when we get there.

From left to right..
-a shot with just the viewing windows open.
-shot from the front with the doors open
-overview of the canopy
-One of my Pineapple express
-Midnight Kush
-a peek of Power Kush, Cali Hash Plant, and Pineapple Express

all the plants have a whitish looking supstance on them... dont worry I sprayed with milk/water the first week of flower for prevention of powdery mildew. I had a trainwreck that had a couple spots of PM show up on it.. so too the trash it went! but I wanted to make sure we didnt have a epademic on our hands! After a bunch of research I settled on the milk and water recipe. It is suppose the change the ph of the leaf surface making powdery mildew unable to grow... fingers crossed! Figured hey.. I like milk.. whats the harm in a lil milk :-P These are also my first grow EVER with a soil/soilless medium. I have always been hydro. So these plants had a couple hard weeks of life at one point being completely yellow with brown and necrosis but I got um firgured out and brought um back. So that brings us pretty much up to date...

Any comment, questions, critques, have at it..


Thanks guys! Yeah I am really liking the power kush right now. I have actually never smoked any but just off grow traits its nice! Evry single power kush clone I took were among the first to root and start growth. It has the second biggest stock in the line up behind the midnight kushs. You know what big branches mean... big buds!! lol
Just topped off my res's and did addbacks... I am trying out the lucas formula. So now complete res dumps just top with fresh RO water and addback nutes and your done. After this run ill decide if I wanna stick with it or go back to my traditional methods. I use to use advanced nutes with all the extras, so if this works it is a heck of a savings on nute cost alone. If this is a success I may also try the next run with AN 3 part instead of GH. Also watered to soiless plants, they are in 5 gallons of sunshine 4. If I ever try sunshine again I will add a lot of perlite, they don't dry out fast enough and this I think was part of my learning curve issues. Also I was feeding every time I watered(once a week) I since cut back to water when they feel light and doing full feed, plain water, half feed when watering. Been working out so far.
Added the 600 watt HPS to the smaller tent with the 400 watt mh... those ladies needed some real light all ready! The are twp weeks exactly into flowering so 400 wasn't cutting it. Lol nice to cause I been battling heat a lil.. but the good way ;) only got to 72 with the 400.. hooked up the air cooling to the 600 and left the 400 just radiating and now she says 78 at canopy height. Plus not 20 minutes late everyone was reaching for the sky..loving the dual spectrum and extra light!
You know the best part about the lucas formula?? No ph up or down...EVER!! :)

Plants in flower are loving the light change..

Contemplaiting looking for a sulphur burner this week to blast the tent that had the pm show up on the trainwreck. Just dont want to have a problem... and if I am going to do it I better do it now!

Anyone got advice or suggestions on sulfur burners...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
dude you have PM problems here? I have never had an issue with mold or PM i have a humidifier to keep the humididty at 30%. Anyways it's a good link very clever.
You from co pipedream? Ya.. never had any type of mold or mildew issues in the past either. My problem came from a trainwreck clone I got from a dispensary... I didn't catch the pm right away cause this plant was in the back of the tent and I think I was too late getting it out. I sprayed with milk/water hoping more as a preventative measure but yesterday noticed a couple small spots on a couple plants lower leaves. I pulled those leaves but no where this is going... just need to sulfur them asap and end it all now!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Okay you pulled the leaves thats's what I would have done too. You might even consider pulling it or at least quarantining it, I mean you don't really need to deal with PM issues here and your in an enclosed area. Like I said I've never had to deal with it at all so IDK probably just happened when the clone was rooting since it gets pretty moist. Do what you gotta do I'm sure you know best but i just recently read that you don't want to burn the sulpher while your air pump is running. It will cause the sulpher to be bubbled into your water and cause all sorts of problems including death. Good luck man. ....where do you get your clones from?
No.. it was never in a high humidity environment.. dude you know how it is here.. I fight to keep 20 or 30. The clone came rooted and got planted right into some sunshine 4 and put in with the plants I had from seedling. When I spotted the pm I pulled it out and corintiend it. Pulled almost all leaves and a couple days later it was forming on others so it got the axe. But I think I was to late catching it. Luckly it is contained to my small tent with 12 soil plants.. no pumps. I bought a sulfur burner yesterday.. said fuck it. I went in to get just the sulfur and was gonna make one but.. yeah, that's how I normally roll! Lol I'm gonna pull off the leaves with the outbreaks and burn them tonight and keep my fingers crossed. Burn them again in 3 or 4 days and then in a week after that.. from there ill decide if I want to move them to the big tent with the rest. Just sucks by Friday both my tent wills be in flower and no where really to clone and veg... who really needs a closet..sorry wifey
Oh yeah.. they came from a very well knowen dispensary in ft collins.. I don't wanna go throwin names out there but I bet a lot of the people in the area have been there atleast once.
Ok been too long.. time for an update!! As of today there are twelve plants in the big tent in the ebb and grow.. they are 3 weeks into flower today. I was able to knock the powdery mildew out in the smaller tent with the soil plants using the sulfur burner. There are 11 plants in that tent and will be 7 weeks on Friday. I have a 1k HPS in the smaller tent and a 1k HPS, 400 HPS, and 400 MH in the big tent. The big bud and lengthy white widows are gone and only prime genetic stock is left :) now everything I have was started from seed I obtained in breeder packs! :) My camara is charged so here come some pics in a few minutes... gonna love the super purple midnight....
OK so I have came to the conclusion a new camera is on the wish list for my First pics will be of the lil tents that will be 7 weeks friday... it is kind of hard to see the all the purple, and some pics i dont know whats going the last ones are the big tent.. 3 weeks in today. hmmm can you spot the sativas?!? lol take it easy guys.. lets hear some feedback here!!!!!

ps.. F:finger: dirt!!:wall: I tried.. I am just a hydro guy!!!:weed:


This site sucks!! Lol so I edited the rest of my rant out.. :) was just a lil frustrated with some completely other stuff in life and let that cross over.. my bad.. happy growing!!