First-Run Heath Robinson's Black Rose


Hey everone. Back in the late aughts, I was a member of a forum called HG420. I'm sure a few of you were members there as well.

My memory of the exact events are a bit hazy, so if anyone has a better memory of the details, feel free to correct me. There was a highly respected HG420 member named Heath Robinson who was developing a strain called Black Rose. From what I recall, when he had his very first batch of seeds available, he gave a small number of the seeds to Doctor Chronic (the owner of the HG420 forums) to give away to HG420 members who made an order within a very small time frame. I was lucky enough to be one of the few who recieved seeds from that first batch.

The forums were shut down in 2009, and I never got around to growing, so those seeds have been sitting in a sealed Tupperware container next to a huge desicant package stored in a refrigerator for approximately 13 years. I'm now in a position where I can finally grow these seeds legally in my own home. I intend to begin germinating the seeds this evening in Jiffy Pellets. I plan to do a grow journal, but I figured I'd create this thread first as a bit of a background to link in the grow journal thread.

Presuming they germinate, this should be interesting. As a bit of proof, the attached image shows the vial containing the seeds, as it arrived from Doctor Chronic.

Happy to chat, answer questions, and take any advice you've got for me.


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Minor update - Apparently the giveaway only included two seeds. I decided to only plant one for the time being, if it fails to sprout (which is a distinct possibolity considering the age of the seed) I'll need to consult the pros on this board for advice on maximizing my chance of germinating the final seed.
Hooo that’s awesome, Good luck eh!
Keep us posted with the results
(And welcome to the forum)
Cheers buddy, I appreciate the warm welcome. I'm definitely going to keep a detailed grow journal (assuming one or both of the seeds pop).

You've got my attention. Good luck and welcome to RIU :peace:
Right on, thanks man. Glad to be here. Hopefully I can shift this strain out of the 'legendary/unknown' category via clone sharing, I'll need to look up the legality of that in my country.
Still waiting for the black rose seed to pop. A couple Satori and B-52 seeds that were stored with it have germinated, so even though these seeds are old, my hopes are still high.
Heath is still around. He's @heath_robinsonn on Instagram. I was never super impressed with Black Rose from a potency perspective, but it sure put out the purple back when all anyone wanted was purple bud. His Chiesel is still in my all-time top 10.
Heath is still around. He's @heath_robinsonn on Instagram. I was never super impressed with Black Rose from a potency perspective, but it sure put out the purple back when all anyone wanted was purple bud. His Chiesel is still in my all-time top 10.
Oh shit, nice. I'll shoot him message. I'm more about the novelty than the potency on this, I'll see if I can get some facts from the guy on this run of seeds. Thanks bro
How'd the Satori turn out? I've always liked Mandala strains. We had a real nice floral-tasting (sort of like halfway between old White Widow and SSH) Satori back around the same time you probably got the seeds. It was great as long as you let it go 11 weeks. Pull it any quicker than that and it would ring your ears and give panic attacks.
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How'd the Satori turn out? I've always like Mandala strains. We had a real nice floral-tasting (sort of like halfway between old White Widow and SSH) Satori back around the same time you probably got the seeds. It was great as long as you let it go 11 weeks. Pull it any quicker than that and it would ring your ears and give panic attacks.
I'm just germinating these satori seeds for the first time now, so I have no idea. I'll run it to 12 weeks veg in SCROG and update you then
So it's been 8 days, and it hasn't germinated. The Jiffy pellet has not been allowed to dry out

Should I keep waiting it out or should I remove the seed and dry it, and try scuffing it once it's dry? Any advice?

I still have one more BR seed left I haven't tried to germinate, but I'd like to try everything possible on this first seed. Any help would be appreciated.

...Also slightly unrelated, I meant to say 12 weeks flower in that last post, I misspoke.
I would try to scuff it at this point... Although you may want to wait for other opinions too, I am by no means a master of germination techniques
I would try to scuff it at this point... Although you may want to wait for other opinions too, I am by no means a master of germination techniques
Thanks, I might have to do that... About 48 hours ago I put a seedling heat mat under the Jiffy greenhouse tray and covered the top so it's in darkness. I'll check to see if it has popped later this evening.

It's entirely possible that the seed wasn't viable in the first place, but I'd still appreciate any other opinions on, assuming it hasn't popped, whether to either
1. Pull/dry/scuff the seed, or
2. let it ride until the seed either sprouts or rots.
Thanks, I might have to do that... About 48 hours ago I put a seedling heat mat under the Jiffy greenhouse tray and covered the top so it's in darkness. I'll check to see if it has popped later this evening.

It's entirely possible that the seed wasn't viable in the first place, but I'd still appreciate any other opinions on, assuming it hasn't popped, whether to either
1. Pull/dry/scuff the seed, or
2. let it ride until the seed either sprouts or rots.
You need to soak it for half a day in a little peroxide solution and then soak it in a sugar solution for 6-8 hours the sugar giving the seed vital nutrients that may have been depleted over time. It will increase the chances of it popping by probably half.
I was on the net searching about black rose and ended up here, how did you make out with that seed popping issue?
I was on the net searching about black rose and ended up here, how did you make out with that seed popping issue?
This thread is 3 years old, I bet nothing came of it. I have a friend who made a cross using Black Rose, most of the plants would be very dark regardless of the temps. We grew some about 4 years ago, outdoors. I believe the other half of the cross was Grape Crush from DJ Short.
Heath is still around. He's @heath_robinsonn on Instagram. I was never super impressed with Black Rose from a potency perspective, but it sure put out the purple back when all anyone wanted was purple bud. His Chiesel is still in my all-time top 10.
Agreed his chiesel was nice stank to high heavens too