First Real Try, Inherited Casey Jones Clone

So I've tried growing before, read a lot, and killed a few plants.

I just got this clone from a friend, and I'm not sure how old it is. It has 9 nodes on the main stalk, and they are alternating. It's about 12" tall right now.

The stem looks good and strong, with a little red showing on the edges. the fan leaves look healthy, except for a few that have yellow spots around the fringe of the fan leaves.

I'm just trying to figure out how old this plant might be, and when/how much nutes should I add?

I'm growing under 6 27 watt CFL bulbs, about 6" above the top of the plant. I have 3 types of nutes right now, a 2-1-1 organic nute called Earth-Juice, Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4, and Happy Frog 5-8-4 granulated.

I'm thinking about just keeping this plant in veg indefinitely, first to make sure I can keep it alive, and hopefully later to cut clones off of.

Anyone got any advice? I don't have a green thumb, just assume I'm retarded, and break it down simple style for me if you've got any advice :roll:

Here are some more pics.

Edit: I don't think I was clear enough when I asked the age, I meant how many weeks/days old would you expect this clone to be?


Well-Known Member
Ya read ALOT and theres no telling how old it is because the mother could be 20 years old for all anyone knows. good luck


Well-Known Member
or just go with the flo and grow that bitch out. Why do you wanna know its age anyways? What you might wanna wonder if its a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone. That's where genetic drift comes into play


Well-Known Member
looks like some good genetics, nice and healthy and similar to the CaseyJones that i grew..i would look into purchasing a better light cuz it looks like your friend had them vegging under decent/good'll just have slow growth and less bud at the end



Well-Known Member
Your main question should be, how long has it been a clone... You need to know how established the root system is before you feed it any nutrients.
Other than that, it should be just as good as any other plant.
did you not see his picture lol
I can clone a 2' tall plant or a 2" tall plant. Doesn't mean I can give either full strength feedings as soon as they show roots. The size of the root system is more important than the age of the the clone.

OP, the yellowing can also be from over watering or other cultural/enviromental issues. Just telling us about the plant won't let us able to help you in the fullest. What ideas you do get could be leading you in the wrong direction and make things worse for you.

What is it planted in and how long have YOU had it in there? Is it rootbound and growing out of its container? It looks like it is in a 2-3gal container, you may just need to transplant it into fresh medium if its been in there a month.

There could also be an enviromental problem like stale air or cold air. Or cultural issue like over watering. Check your basics and move on from there. PBP gives you recommended feeding strengths for clones, use that untill you are sure the plant can take a stronger solution.


Well-Known Member
i dont need your advice bro trust me.. i can tell just by looking at his picture that his roots are established..any experienced grower can see that, that's a healthy plant ready for feedings..shit's probably already been getting feed looking that pretty


Well-Known Member
look at my casey jones..pic # 2 was the 1st week and pic #3 was the 2nd week..i was feeding em right off the bat..i bought them rooted. Most people have established root systems before transplanting into soil, coco, etc..even at the co-op's they recommend you transplant and feed right away


Well-Known Member
If you look at the bottom of your cubes and see the roots have expanded to most of the cube then you are probably good to go for nutes. Good Luck.
i dont need your advice bro trust me.. i can tell just by looking at his picture that his roots are established..any experienced grower can see that, that's a healthy plant ready for feedings..shit's probably already been getting feed looking that pretty
Well they look like they are in soil, so I'm sure they are getting nutes. But, his question was how/when to feed, might not be his problem though. Look how close the plants are to the floor. He does have them raised (an inch, lol) but the roots could still be cold as hell. Feeding wouldn't do any good if the plant is refusing to eat now. Now would it? Sure a stronger light would add heat, but the real problem will still be a part of the grow room and could cause problems again in the middle of next winter.

It doesn't matter one bit if you use my experience or not. You take the clubs' recommendations when I've done this for a decade. It's all good bro. Happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
why are you quoting me? quote what he said and give him your advice, god knows i dont need YOUR seem like a smart ass, now dont you. :finger:
If the OP is over watering, he will still over water if there is a stronger light. There are other things he needs to pay attention to that he isn't, his first post has no info on heat/humidity or what medium he is using. So recommending a light isn't the correct thing to do. I'm just saying maybe you should think twice about what you are telling him to do. In a weeks time he could have a new lamp but no plant if he listened to you.

That is why I'm quoting you. If you have a problem with that, tough. Suck it up big boy.


Well-Known Member
you dont sound very experienced to me at all..i can look at a plant without looking at the roots and know it needs to be feed..i dont know where the fuk your from or how u grow but we dont all grow the same so who the hell are you? i was telling dude that it looks like his friend he got the clone from had them vegging under a more powerful light so he's ganna get some stress from the lack of light now that he changed his light source..thats why his plant is showing signs of i advised to get a better light, which he should do.