First Real RC Purchase


Well-Known Member
So decided to step up and get a selection of 3 rc's

for my phenethylamine i chose 250mg of 2C-E

for my tryptamine i chose 250mg 4-AcO-DMT

and i chose to add 11mg of 25c-NBOMe as well as to the previous thread with this included

now i have experience with lucy molly shrooms shrooms and molly together lucy and molly together and salvia so i have escape plans out the whazoo

now to choose what to administer first

im planning on 4-AcO-DMT to be my first delve into the area


Well-Known Member
So decided to step up and get a selection of 3 rc's

for my phenethylamine i chose 250mg of 2C-E

for my tryptamine i chose 250mg 4-AcO-DMT

and i chose to add 11mg of 25c-NBOMe as well as to the previous thread with this included
now i have experience with lucy molly shrooms shrooms and molly together lucy and molly together and salvia so i have escape plans out the whazoo

now to choose what to administer first

im planning on 4-AcO-DMT to be my first delve into the area
Welcome to the elite circle of "research chemical" explorers :D

4-ACO-DMT is an awesome one to behold.

...and based upon your experience with previous entheogenic tools, you shouldn't have a problem handling these new head warmers ;)


Well-Known Member
Should be a fun one i hear its shroom like but def more unique not identical but reminiscent so to say

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I love Your plan and 4-ACO-DMT !!
Just been checking ... in my book ... and I am Not
supposed to tell YOU to Mix them together ...



Well-Known Member
Should be a fun one i hear its shroom like but def more unique not identical but reminiscent so to say
Yep many say its like Psilocybin minus the body load! Yet, I'm quite unknowing of the fact that mushrooms do cause a body load because I've yet to experience any besides some minor renal irritation preceding a trip.


Active Member
Make sure to tell us how the trip goes. Could you tell me (pm or post) how much your 4-AcO-DMT was? I'm scouting prices seeing what the best deal is.

And anyone ever heard of 5-IAI?


Active Member
I'm still waiting on my 4-aco-dmt. It cost me 200 for a gram.

I cannot share my source, as I haven't received it yet, so you probably don't want my source anyway haha. I'm sure I'll get it eventually!


Well-Known Member
yes im going to have a trip report for each and everyone

4-aco-dmt being first

plan is to take a miniscule amount sufficent to check for any adverse reaction then for my first experience i plant to only take it to a light threshhold 5-7mg

then after a chance to indulge in the effect ill ramp it up to 15 mg then after studieng that i plan to take it to 30mg so i can get a idea of what it is

same procedure will happen with both other RC's but with molecule appropriate dosages of course :D

then and only then will i decide what i think will acheive a great synergy effect and then experiment with that

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Can't wait to read something from someone who can articulate. Don't get me wrong erowid is great, but I have exhausted most of the good ones.


Well-Known Member
i have a feeling ill be fond of tryptamines as this seems to be the most divine to me so to say

as for reports ill do my best to write a "state of" and "recollection" report on each rc


Well-Known Member

aggressive eh?


Well-Known Member
I don`t mean to hijack the thread but I`m gonna spill some of my thoughts out about RC`s, just want to hear a few opinions.

Are you guys scared these might have side effects? Do you concider some forms/groups of RC`s safe while some unsafe?

Do you take some RC`s without any health information availabe?

I don`t mean to judge anyones choice of substance, just wondering what my own choices will be. I`m okay with the ideas of 2c-(b,e,i)... Didn`t want to open a new thread.


Ellis Dee

Active Member
I am never first on the boat, and I haven't tried nearly as many as shulgin(bad joke), but enough that I certainly am not going to write it up here. Anything reported on I will try if 75% of the reports on erowid are excellent but generally there needs to be a Density of at least 25-70 depending on how exotic. But I won't try anything that isn't tried and true in submilligram levels. Nor the obscure long form phenethylamines.