First real grow


New Member
hey my name is Trip. IM doing my first grow with real equipment. I am doing an indica grow from seed to harvest as well as a rudy auto grow elsewhere in the house. With the indy grow i ordered 6 seeds of Gods Treat from Jordan of the Islands as well as 5 skunk#2 and one orge seed. I germed 2 of the gods treat to see if i could get this right b4 i used all my resources up. I already had 2 plants growing from seeds i got out 2 different bags. one was a sativa plant that is around 6 weeks old and an indica that was almost 5 weeks old. my gods treat were put in soil at an inch and a half tall when the first two plants were already 1 or 2 weeks old. i know i shouldnt have done this but i did. i have this one sativa plant i cant sex and all the rest are girls for sure. i keep posting its pic so someone can tell me but no one has.
So any ways this is my baby... If you can tell me if you think its a boy or girl I will send many good wishes your way. I plan to use my 400w mh and current set up for my indica grow with the gods treat plants and any other indy plant i can get seeds for and then buy another 400w or maybe a 600w to set up a tent for automatic rudy plants that have a 8 to 9 week grow time just to keep smoke in my pipe while im growing my indy plants. any tips or tricks will be welcome. i really want to do this right, i spent so much money on bottles of stuff and powders and this and that. i have digital water ph,soil ph,and water tds meters to check stuff with. i am really serious. i dont want to have to put myself out there anymore and want to grow in my solitude. I only reach out on the net for real cuz i dont trust no one out here in the realz. If you have questions that will help you give me pointers just ask away i will check to see if people post stuff to me as much as i can a few times a day. thanks for reading. Trip


New Member
well i have something to add... I just checked the ph of my soil and its down to 4.0 and 5.5 in all 4 of my pots. I have soil sweetener(some mixed in some watered in),natural ph up and down. How much am I supposed to mix in with the water to get this ph to 6.6? I really dont want this to go to hell on me.


New Member
I ended up just killing that plant cuz no one would respond to this and tell me what it was from the photo I provided. From what I could tell it was a boy but I could have been wrong. It was a week to three weeks older than the other three plants I have going so it was taller even though I super cropped it and that was making the light too high for the other plants so it had to go. If I was wrong then so be it. I have like 6 Rudy seeds I want to plant and 5 skunk x sleestack seeds too. I really want to do this wright but I think indeed to meet someone who knows what they are talking about on here.