First REAL Grow


Well-Known Member
ok so ive tried and failed at least 3 times for one reason or another and am finally confident in my abilities to grow
and hopefully with ur guys help i think i can get some good buds this time!

im going to update everyone if i have any sort of problems or just to show my progress

so let me start by telling u my setup

im using a 20" aquarium flourescent and a 26w CFL now
i can add as many 13w or 26w cfls as i need for flowering or whatever

now im only growing 1 plant yea i said it! just 1 but because of the fact that i still live with my parents i have space restrictions
which brings me to my next problem

whats the minimum time i could use for veg?
because of the restriction of space i want to flower as early as possible
and still try to get a good harvest
is this even possible without lowryder#2 seeds?
or am i just fooling myself?

any help would be greatly appreciated
and if you have any questions just leave a reply

happy tokin:bigjoint:

peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
okay this is just my opinion but you're not gonna get a "good harvest" with that amount of light. Also, plants are 50/50 on your chances of getting a male or a female so even if you make NO mistakes, you have a 50% chance of a male (which means no smokable marijuana is produced).

I'd say grow 3 plants under a minimum of 250W and veg them till they're six inches tall so they have a decent structure when they're put into flower. You CAN start your plants at 12/12 from seedling but it'll reduce plant strength and yield.

Word, happy tokin indeed!


Well-Known Member
ok now i kow when u guys see this thread ur probably gonna think im a total noob but im just a guy whos really passionate about growing and smoking marijuana and i want to learn everything i can so i can one day become a master grower like so many of u guys are
so with that said

sorry i didnt explain about the seed not sure what strain but def. female i got it from my friend while back when he ordered some fem. seeds

i have a couple other seeds that i got in a bag of some really flame buds not sure if the grower wanted to produce seeds or what but i found like five seeds in one gram!

ill post pics in a few days im 15 days into veg


Active Member
yeah, plus you need to worry about smell and good air circulation. You can probably flower with the flouros, but i would put as many as you possibly can. And don't expect anything spectacular, but u could get a decent harvest. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Ok well the marijuana relationship between me and my parents is complicated they don't really care if i smoke it(so it usually smells anyway) but if they knew i was growing that could be a problem:cry:
haven't actually smelled flowering plants yet tho is there much difference between the smell of smoked buds and flowering buds?

thx for your help everyone


Well-Known Member
i think there about the same except how much do u smoke? cus i mean it depens on how potent the smell is..if its real strong and your panrets could smeel it like out in the hall or something would they be pissed?


Well-Known Member
yea smelling in the hall would be fine if i needed to i could get a filter

but anyway here she is

i appreciate ALL the feedback u guys can give me
