First real Grow 30*BB Cheese 10*GH Exodus Cheese


First real Grow 30*BB Cheese 10*GH Exodus Cheese
First of all I would like to thank anyone and everyone who is taking the time to read over this journey I am about to embark on. This is my first real grow, I have previously grown before, 5 lemon haze and 5 cheese plants, read and read on this site loads of information and dove in. Turned out great, managed to cut down half of what was there and cover my initial start up costs including rent, electricity, equipment etc...Only for the door to be kicked in...and not by the police!! Dirty Thieves!!!!!!
Anyway this is the new one......
We have built two custom rooms inside 2 bedrooms, roughly an area of about 6/7ft by 8/9ft in each....
planning on doing 20 in wise we have...
6 blockbuster HPS lights including ballasts etc (3 in each room, actually got 7 hoods as the company gave us 1 too many ;) so one for sale if anyones interested lol)
2 Extractor Fans
2 Carbon Filters
2 Inline Fans
20 Air Pots
20 Smart Pots
4 Thermometers/Hygrometer
8 Oscillating Fans
2 6 Way Contactors
400 Litre Flexi Tank
Bluelab PH and Ec reader
Airpump and stone
High Flow Circulator
100 meters mylar
Ridiculous amount of ducting

Now for the nutrients and soil we are going down the coco nova range so we have
Coco Nova A+B
BN X-cel
TML (The missing Link)
PH up and down
The soil is some sort of gold label, maybe 60/40, not too sure...

I think thats pretty much it guys, will be putting up pictures over the next few days as everything is just sitting boxed up at the moment as you can see, (some things obviously not in the pictures) all criticism is accepted so long as its constructive.

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Well-Known Member
Wow ...!! what did that lot cost... good for you ..I prefer it when noobs start their grows small, .... a bit at a time grow the grow with the plant. ... but good for you!


It cost a hell of a lot tbh! Especially being in the uk, and that fact we bought it from stores cash, no cheap online deals in otherwords. I do realise we are being slightly over ambitious but decided to really jump in, plus being a member here for so long i have seen a lot of helpful guys on here, (including yourself multiple times) so figured that any problems we encounter it would be remedied through everyones input. the first grow would have been a winner had we not been unfortunately robbed! thanks for looking though, expecting good things!!More pictures tomorrow, Seeds are currently germinating.


Here is some pictures of how the room looks before setup begins today! Sorry the pictures dont show how big it actually is, no space to go back and fit it all in one picture.All gaps and lines are being filled today along with everything else going up
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Here is some more pics of construction and the seedlings........what do you guys think?
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[/URL] [/IMG] Some seeds are still germinating and some havnt broke through the root riot.


here is some pictures today before transplant into litre pots, decided to go with flexi trays because we wouldnt be able to fit enough saucers into the room. what you guys think? other room is about finished aswel. will get more up tomorrow, need a decent camera though instead of my phone :cry:



Starting to stretch, all looks good but I'd move the light closer to the plants so they don't end up too long.


Starting to stretch, all looks good but I'd move the light closer to the plants so they don't end up too long.
We couldn't move the light any closer as it was already sitting on top of the propagator dome, nevertheless they have been taken out of it no anyway Cheers :mrgreen: