first post


Just sayen Hi! This is my first post and going to be my first grow. I've already started and will post my progress. I started back in June. I have 3 Purple Urkiel and 4 Purple Kush picked them up as clones. Look forward to the post's, the grow, the learing and the fun.



Active Member
Welcome to the fun :) Clones eh???? Cool, that"s how i started too. You doing indoor/outdoor? Dirt/Hydro? Give us the juicy stuff... :)


I was going to start off hydro. And then changed to soil. Had some temp problems, when I first started we had some temps in the 90 plus range and I didn’t have the venting all straitened out in my grow room. The temps in the room got to about 93 and freaked me out a little bit.
Oh ya inside grow
3 gal containers
Roots Organic soil
Running 400 MH 10k light in veg state and will switch to HPS in flowering state.
And using Gen Hydro nutes FloraNova line.
I’ll post some pics as soon as I figure it out and resize them for posting.


this is when I first pick them up and got them into Rockwool cubes. I changed this in about 5 days
and went to soil.

just starting.jpg