First post!!!! First grow


Hi, have been a silent member until now. Today day I'm breaking my online silence...
Hi riu from uk.. Tho is my first grow, 5 plants 4 strains ds90 an a 250 hps, so guys,, grab a chair an join me on my first grow. I'm all ears so ur opinions wuss be gladly appreciated


ok so started this grow 14 dec 2013 on my window sill, didnt take any pics until i got my tent and kit (xmas prezzie to myself)
so here goes
biobizz allmix
plagron alga grow box with greensensation carboload na a bit of superthrive,,also use co2 pills in feed

so i stated them on window sill and fed water for two weeks then transplanted to larger pots then put them in tent on 27 dec..

heres my pics from in the tent approx 3 weeks from sprout


IMG_0002.jpgIMG_0003.jpgIMG_0008.jpgIMG_0008.jpg ok so this is approx 3 weeks from sprout, fed only grow and roots at half rec dose.. the have been 12/12 from seed, so i will call this week 1 flower as they thru out first pistols


i will put up new pics every monday> forgot to say am doin 2 big buddah blue cheese
super critical>>>>>> so here pics from week 2


so put them in final 10ltr pots an 1 in an 18ltr, upped the grow nutes to almost full wack as per sceduleIMG_0028.jpgIMG_0029.jpgblue cheese 1
IMG_0032.jpgdinachemIMG_0043.jpgIMG_0035.jpgIMG_0030.jpgsuper critical


ok week three this is from this monday,, every thing rocking on well just added first taste of bloom nutes on this feed >>heres my week three pics...IMG_0098.jpg


New Member
Nice pics, looks like it's going well! I will be starting my first grow soon, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your progress. I doubt I'll be as adventurous as you, only two plants/strains to start, but I've never tried to grow anything short of replanting perennials from Home Depot, so I'm taking it slow.

Good luck!


Ctually this is what id do. Pinch the stalk just over the 6th node and bend it over and leave it hanging there. It will spread the plant out to multiple colas. then once healed id flower.


New Member
Hey, Im lovin the way your plants are coming along, Im growing some Blue Dream its looking good but Im not sure if its growing on the right track


They've bin in flower from start the last why I haven't topped or pinched, just gonna keep it simple..... No experimentation this time lol am just concerned a little about height as the never hada veg


Well-Known Member
Looking good man :) Have you checked out the 12/12 from seed thread in the indoor growing section? There's loads of tips n tricks in there to be had. Good luck mate


Well-Known Member
Im new can you or anybody tell me how to upload pics or start a grow journal
In the grow journal section at the top there is a 'start thread' box. Click that to make a journal, in there fown the page there is a 'manage attachments' button, click that to upload pics to your post


We'll today's week 4, have cut the grow out of feeding from now. Am feeding just roots bloom and have added first dose of Caboload.

No problems so far..... Temps r fine, humid spot on, girls r lookin happy n healthy