First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)


Well-Known Member
Looked through some grow mags quick for prices....Sun System 4 is a 150watt HPS in house ballast for $160 w/o bulb. You'll need a few fans the and some Dayton 4" or 6" Axial Fans would work good 6" are like $70 and 4" are like $50 and you can probably find those cheap on ebay. Buy a pair though. To upgrade your probably looking at about $250-300.

But you will need a way to bring in new air and exit the old air. I have a 2' x 2' closet in one of my bathrooms and I took the door off by the hinges and mounted some like home styrofoam insulation stuff about 2" thick I found out in my shed to make a door. Then I mounted 4" Dayton fans in the styro at opposite corners one as an intake the other as an exhaust. I keep a 250W HPS when flowering in this area and it cooled it well.


Active Member
Looked through some grow mags quick for prices....Sun System 4 is a 150watt HPS in house ballast for $160 w/o bulb. You'll need a few fans the and some Dayton 4" or 6" Axial Fans would work good 6" are like $70 and 4" are like $50 and you can probably find those cheap on ebay. Buy a pair though. To upgrade your probably looking at about $250-300.

But you will need a way to bring in new air and exit the old air. I have a 2' x 2' closet in one of my bathrooms and I took the door off by the hinges and mounted some like home styrofoam insulation stuff about 2" thick I found out in my shed to make a door. Then I mounted 4" Dayton fans in the styro at opposite corners one as an intake the other as an exhaust. I keep a 250W HPS when flowering in this area and it cooled it well.

Price-wise that sounds manageable. How long can I keep vegetating before I need to upgrade? Also, I live in Canada where the winters are not too friendly. If I'm pumping air in from the outside a lot, won't that lower the temperature too much for the plants? Or is venting in from the rest of the house ok? Its a 3 story + basement to give you an idea of the size, if that's important.


Never mind about the cold intake air question. I thought you meant remove the door to the room. I'm not growing in a closet, it's actually just in my bedroom beside my TV/Xbox lol. I could move it to a closet and make a couple holes in the door to the closet if you think that will work better.


Well-Known Member
Wow nice crib, yea I was talking about drawing air from the room the closet is in not from the outside. How long to veg before upgrade is all up to you. If you want some nice 2 1/2 - 3 footers I would veg until 16-18" hard to guess how much they will stretch in the first weeks of flowering. But if your not going to upgrade at all I would flower sooner than later.


Active Member
Wow nice crib, yea I was talking about drawing air from the room the closet is in not from the outside. How long to veg before upgrade is all up to you. If you want some nice 2 1/2 - 3 footers I would veg until 16-18" hard to guess how much they will stretch in the first weeks of flowering. But if your not going to upgrade at all I would flower sooner than later.
Awesome man, thanks for everything. Everyone else who helped too, thanks. I will post updates in this thread in the next few days, so long as this doesn't 404. I'm going to add some nutes next time I water them so maybe we will see some nice drastic growth.

If anyone has questions about my plants/setup/anything I'll be more than happy to answer.


Well-Known Member
Yes definetley get them in a secure light tight grow area preferablly white walls a small closet will work great. You want them in a light tight area so you can use all of your light to its maximum potential without it escaping. Don't use aluminum foil to reflect light. A closet works well in your situation where you don't want to be cutting through walls or doors cause you can always take the door off and retro fit your own door out of styro or plywood whatever is handy and sturdy enough to hold and support some small fans with duct tape.


Well-Known Member
Hope these pics work I have never posted pics on this website before.

Here you can see the lower portion of the closet.

Closte Can be split up into three or more seperate areas

Here is the Styro that the fans get mounted in, it can be kind of wobbly when moving it

And Finally the dayton fan, two of these are used.


Well-Known Member
Ahh young skywalker I have evolved, this 2 x 2 area will now be utilized for mothers. I thought someone may ask so I took one of the current setup. There is six 18 gallon totes each housing six babies total of 36.

Once I get my Citral and Big Bud seeds going (courtesy of the mothers will be housed in the 2x2 area. This Homebox XL will be the veg area to a 5' X 10' Flowering room that will then house 36 ladies in 3 gal buckets.....Mu HA HAHA

Sorry about the Mad Scientist Laugh......heh

Also don't be suprised if all picture I post are gone in a few days, I don't condone posting pics on net.



Active Member
Ahh young skywalker I have evolved, this 2 x 2 area will now be utilized for mothers. I thought someone may ask so I took one of the current setup. There is six 18 gallon totes each housing six babies total of 36.

Once I get my Citral and Big Bud seeds going (courtesy of the mothers will be housed in the 2x2 area. This Homebox XL will be the veg area to a 5' X 10' Flowering room that will then house 36 ladies in 3 gal buckets.....Mu HA HAHA

Sorry about the Mad Scientist Laugh......heh

Also don't be suprised if all picture I post are gone in a few days, I don't condone posting pics on net.

That's a sweet setup dude. What is the white material you use for reflecting light? Mylar?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

First, I'd like to thank everyone who takes part in this forum. I lurked for a while and found some really valuable information. This is a great resource.

I was given two seeds by a friend and had always wanted to try growing a plant or two so I figured this was a great opportunity. I germinated and panted them in soil; I'm using CFLs for lighting. I'm aware of the benefits of MH and HPS lights but I'm a student (read: low on cash) and I'm really just experimenting this time around. I don't plan on selling any of it, I just wanted to experience growing it from seed to harvest, and of course smoking it once I'm done.

Anyway, I planted the germinated seeds 12 days ago and the two attached pictures are from today. I have two plants and they have been in the vegitative stage for about 8 or 9 days maybe. I bought Fish Emulsion fertilizer (5-1-1) because it was available, cheap and organic. I was hoping someone in the know could tell me if my plants are ready for it at this stage or if I should hold off for a bit more. If they are ready, how much should I use? How much water do these things need daily? So far I have been monitoring the soil, making sure that it is still always moist under the top 3/4 inch or so.

Thanks in advance for anyone who took the time to check out my post, and especially to anyone who can help me. If anyone has questions please feel free to ask. Plant A (moto_0112.jpeg) is about 7 inches tall but not as lush as Plant B (moto_0113.jpeg), which is about 6 inches tall.

Thanks again guys!
Your plants are ready for some food now and that fish emulsion is just what they need in their vegetative state. Start at half strength per the directions on the package and see how they handle it.

But it is also time to repot them if you haven't already... give them some room to put some nice root systems down.

Also... let your soil dry out more so the roots will grow out to look for more water. This also helps the roots get more oxygen.

All in all your girls (hopefully) look very healthy and could have good potential.

I was about to hook you up with a link for a $20 ballasted 150W HPS, but they don't carry it anymore! :wall:


Active Member
These are the newest pic. My plants got a little nutrient burn after I added the emulsion so I flushed them and they are looking a lot better. Sorry it's been so long since an update. If you guys want more pics let me know and I can take some more. As before, if anyone has questions, feel free to ask.



Well-Known Member
Might I ask how much water you put the fish stuff into? 1 cup, 1 liter, 1 gallon??

I think you are supposed to add it into at least 1 Liter or so or water.

If you plan on raising these "Girls" until harvest. You are seriously going to need

to re-think your setup.

When a plant goes into flowering mode, it needs 12 hours of COMPLETE Darkness.

No light leeks, Or you risk Hermies.

(Takes MJ about 2 weeks to convert over to flowering mode)

That is why these few people have suggested fans and what not for ventillation for the High Pressure Sodium.
In small places, I. E. a box,Closet. Heat can rise over 100ºF


Active Member
Might I ask how much water you put the fish stuff into? 1 cup, 1 liter, 1 gallon??

I think you are supposed to add it into at least 1 Liter or so or water.

If you plan on raising these "Girls" until harvest. You are seriously going to need

to re-think your setup.

When a plant goes into flowering mode, it needs 12 hours of COMPLETE Darkness.

No light leeks, Or you risk Hermies.

(Takes MJ about 2 weeks to convert over to flowering mode)

That is why these few people have suggested fans and what not for ventillation for the High Pressure Sodium.
In small places, I. E. a box,Closet. Heat can rise over 100ºF

I added about half a teaspoon to a liter of water. I'm working on a different setup for later, I'm not worried about them being exposed to light, I have my bases covered.


Active Member
nice, its doing better than mine and I planted like 15 days ago, what's ur light cycle on?