First post AK-48 Female 5 weeks into 12/12 pics


I have a AK-48 female plant and her name is molly.Ive never posted to this site but have been getting some good info from her but this is the end of my first grow sorry that i started posting so late.Molly has been in the 12/12 cycle for about 5 weeks She is forming some nice buds and now stands 4 1/2 feet tall. Molly's bottom half is completly bare becuase the where doing so bad i just snipped them and i found that the leaves where dying due to wind burn which i couldnt find anything on the subject in these forms I guess not many people have ran into this problem and is they did they probly would have thought it was nute burn of some kind of def but i ran into this problem because i had to much wind circulating and it just dried the foilage out causing it to die an easy fix was just cut back on a couple fans. since i removed the fans the damaged leaves wont get better but im not seeing any signs of it on new growth.Last night I had to flush molly because i since a lockout not sure what is locked out but her budding has slowed down and she isnt feeding well when i water her the soil stays wet for a longer period than the other plants that i have and i have them all on the same water schedule.the ph of water that i flushed with was about 5.9-6.2 and the run off was 6.6 i also tested ppm of runoff while flushing i flushed until ppm was between 300-400 i know that is low for a flowering plant but im going to wait until the soil is dry and restart nutes.mean while her is how she looks now at 5 weeks flowering.



Well-Known Member
yeah just stick with it mate.she's looking pretty good right now,but she does look younger than her age.hopefully what youve planned to do will work and the budsites will start to fatten up nicely.


Well-Known Member
My first grow was AK 48 and with 2 plants I yielded enough to last me 6 months of smoking every day. Check my grow journal for pics and details. My latest grow was KC Brains. The pot is good but the yield was not so great. Only about an ounce out of 3 plants. It will last me a little while, but I really liked the AK 48. Loved the high and the yield was really good. Yours do look a little small for 5 weeks.


I'm waiting on my seeds for AK48. It was good to see someone post on this strain. Good luck with yours and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Ok Guys since I started posting to late for the beginng of my first grow molly or her clones which was my second grow that im kind of in the beginng stage of flowering on three of them and one is on deck for the flower room so i will keep updates on that one and start my third grow here.I am going to post a few pic of the plant thats on deck a finish out with you guys so her it is.She is about 45 days old from rooting and she is sligthly above 2 feet tall.this is a clone form molly an AK-48 female.



today i gave my plant that i had in veg last week its transaction nutes so i am starting 12/12 on 10/10/11 everything is looking good and i trimed the bottom half of plant so top bud are main focus.