first plant


Active Member
this is my first plant, pretty sure its a female, was outdoor grown for a month, brought it inside to 24 hour lights, been like that for 2.5 weeks now....when would be the best time to start budding for maximum yeild, not in any rush to bud just some suggestions would be nice, um it stands 19.5 inches from soil

this is the link to the album

Marijuana Growing - emu.farmer89's Albums

any comments would be appreciated


Active Member
k i think i got it up in the earlier reply? i can see them on the page, if not i'll have to wait till my computer literate brother gets home...let me know and thanks


Well-Known Member
what is your light setup?? its gonna double to triple when you induce flowering.i would flower it now.


Active Member
sweet so the pictures work i take it?,i'm using a 100 watt flourescent, and a 40watt incadencent (for heat),keep the flourecent like an inch way and and about 2.5-3 inches for the reg bulb....what is the best way to start flowering? also when would i want to clone this plant? should i do it now or wait till end of harvest?



Well-Known Member
Im not a genious on cloning but im 95% sure you want to do it BEFORE it starts flowering, otherwise you have revert it back to the veg stage, which i have heard really, really sucks lol.