first outdoor grow

hey just thought that i would share my medical marijuana outdoor grow with everyone. so this year i am doing outdoors for the first time. i have buyed seeds from greenhouse seed co. and so far 1 seed had died and 2 look like they are about to die but its ok i have some that are doing great. but right now i have them indoors still a lil cold in my area.

strains for 2012 only paid for the superbud all of the others where freebies

  1. superbud
  2. special kush
  3. the doctor
  4. auto ny city
  5. auto anesthsia
  6. autoanesthesia
Picture 025.jpg

sorry guys have a bad picture.
will post again when they are outdoors peace:joint:
has any one ever used earth gro potting soil and perlite, foxfarm ocean forest soil and kellogs all natural garden soil and steer manure blend from earth gro all mixed together?