First Outdoor grow

Hey everybody, this is my first year im going to grow outdoors and i was wondering what is the earliest date i can plant out doors. also i was wondering is it better to grow the seedling indoors before planting it outside, or is it better to simply put the germinated seed in the pot and let her grow out side. Thanks

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
most likely now but your plant will be huge by the time it flowers. you would wanna start it inside so it doesnt die right away outside. inside for about 2-4 weeks. then transplant outside. you should find when out the days go to 12/12 to know when they will start to flower. and then count back a couple months depending on how big you plan it to be


Well-Known Member
Outdoor plants will flower at around or just under 14 hours a day, which happens in May. You'd probably be ok putting them out towards the end of April.


Well-Known Member
I germinat using the paper towel method,then put it in like a one gallon pot.I leave the plant outside.Then when they get big enough I transplant them in the ground.I do all this near April 20 give or take a few days.I live in Socal and thats a good time for me to start.If you live somewhere else it may be different idk.


Well-Known Member
Depends on where you live..Look at your last frost date for your area. Mine is May 10, so I wait a week or two and plant 12" starts into the ground. Another way to do it is by a soil thermometer and plant when the ground temp is above 55 degrees. (about when tomato growers start them) The last two years my outdoor plants had visible signs of entering flowering late June - early July. Between July and mid-Sept, they grow like crazy if properly watered and given the right nutes.