First outdoor grow!!!!

First off, I wanna say i appreciate all the shit everyone does to help others be successful with their grows on this site. It's really helpful just getting on here and reading up, like I've been doin for the past 2 years. But I just decided i better make a post on here explaining what I got goin on so here it is..

I don't have any set budget, but I am making due with what I have and spending the money when I have it.

I have plenty of bag seeds from this good homegrown from my area to start with, plus ten reg. purple bud and ten fem. power africa on their way from attitude.

I built a veg box that's roughly a foot wide, 3 feet long, and 1 1/2 feet tall to raise my babies in until they are about a foot tall, then take them outside.

There aren't any good garden stores around my area, and it's hard to come across a good soil. I've read up on miracle grow and I understand that it can work fine, but it isn't recommended. But since I can't do any better, I thought I'd give it a shot and see what sort of advice I could get out of some of you experienced growers out there that i look up to so much :weed:

So I made a mix of 2 parts MG moisture control, 1 part perlite, and threw in some lime to help control ph.. what do you guys think? Just trying to make due with what's available in my area.

I already have my spot picked out, dug some holes about 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep, and mixed in some good ol' horse shit because i've heard it's good for the soil and my grandpa grows some hellacious tomatoes using it.

I need all the advice I can get, just trying to try something new and join this whole world of growing I've been researching on. Just like the rest of you, after those JUICY BUDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks abunch dudes


Well-Known Member
Soil mix sounds good, Its about what Im going in the ground with this year.
Cept Im adding Vermaculite, Poly acrilimide water absorbing gel an LOTS of mulch on the topsoil to hold water in.
And using Cow shit for manure.

Was the Horse shit composted (left to sit awhile)??
Fresh shit is kind of hot for seedlings.

Ill also use MG nutes. I basicly follow the directions off the box...

Seedlings- get 1/2 a teaspoon in a gal once a week (startingabout the 3rd week)
In veg - 1 TeaSpoon per gallon once a week, or twice if shes HUGE in mid summer.
Bloom- 1 TABLESPOON of MG bloom booster in a gal of water once a week

Also I add a Tablespoon of lime per gal water to keep PH down.

Watch those seedlings dont let em get to wet the first 3 weeks.

Goodluck grower
Soil mix sounds good, Its about what Im going in the ground with this year.
Cept Im adding Vermaculite, Poly acrilimide water absorbing gel an LOTS of mulch on the topsoil to hold water in.
And using Cow shit for manure.

Was the Horse shit composted (left to sit awhile)??
Fresh shit is kind of hot for seedlings.

Ill also use MG nutes. I basicly follow the directions off the box...

Seedlings- get 1/2 a teaspoon in a gal once a week (startingabout the 3rd week)
In veg - 1 TeaSpoon per gallon once a week, or twice if shes HUGE in mid summer.
Bloom- 1 TABLESPOON of MG bloom booster in a gal of water once a week

Also I add a Tablespoon of lime per gal water to keep PH down.

Watch those seedlings dont let em get to wet the first 3 weeks.

Goodluck grower
Thanks for the quick response man, still have questions though. What are you using for veg nutes exactly? all purpose??

And I already bought some bloom booster but i fucked up and got the kind that you attach on a water hose, would a tbsp a gal still work?

Will i be fine without the vermiculite, mulch, and poly acrilimide gel? not sure If any of that is available where I live..

I have plenty of lime, and if that guarantees a good ph ill be using your tactic...

One more question.. How much do you water your seedlings? haha

Sorry about all the questions, but I'd say you understand a fella bein concerned as hell about his babies lol



Well-Known Member
Hi DeterminedNoob, will you be growing stealthy outdoor or in your own garden. If guerilla there are a lof of things to consider (animals/critters being one)

For veg nutes I start off with a very low npk of 0.6-0.2-0.6 (rhizotonic being one product by Canna) I water my seedlings when they need it, watering plants is all about not drowning them or overwatering. Some people like to see a little bit of run off out of the pot, others prefer not. Run off helps you know when there is sufficient water. Although watch out for compact medium that doesn't soak up water. Also start to gauge how heavy the pots are when wet. This is the best way to know without sticking probes into the dirt.

Hope all goes well, good luck, DST
Stealthy man, not lucky enough to have my own garden i can just go all out on and watch every single day. I,ve heard that seven dust works pretty good for bugs but i wouldn't know how often to apply it unless it says on the package. Also I've just heard using hair clippings can help keep deer and rabbits away.. i figured a few drops of coyote piss about every time I watered would help quite a bit.. any other suggestions on that??

thanks for bein concerned


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response man, still have questions though. What are you using for veg nutes exactly? all purpose??

And I already bought some bloom booster but i fucked up and got the kind that you attach on a water hose, would a tbsp a gal still work?

Will i be fine without the vermiculite, mulch, and poly acrilimide gel? not sure If any of that is available where I live..

I have plenty of lime, and if that guarantees a good ph ill be using your tactic...

One more question.. How much do you water your seedlings? haha

Sorry about all the questions, but I'd say you understand a fella bein concerned as hell about his babies lol

Youll be fine w/o vermaclite an PAM water absorbing polymers you may have to water a bit more..

The spay hose nutes are fine, no difference.

Mix the lime 1 cup per sqr foot soil, an add 1 table spoon to the water once a month after they have started getting nutes.
Lime Ph maxes out about 7 so its pretty safe an has MAG an CAL. in it.

Heres some info from my Perpetual Grow Journal.

For nutes I use Miracal Gro allpurpose (veg) an bloombooster for flowering.
I have used em forever an love em.
I start em off with 1/4 stength 3-4 weeks tell I know they can take more.
Ususaly every 4-5 days they need wateriing, every other water I feed em. Its strong shit, so read the directon, on the box or website.

Miracal grow has most micro nutes in it. But no listing for Calcium.. Heres the ingredience....


Miracle-Gro contains 24 percent nitrogen. Nitrogen gives plants energy to grow and produce foliage. Too little can lead to stunted growth and pale green or yellow leaves.

The available phosphate is 8 percent. Phosphate is a phosphorous compound that helps plants resist stress, grow quickly, increase blooms and build strong roots. Too little phosphate will lead to red or purple leaves and decreased growth.

The soluble potash is 16 percent. Potash (potassium) helps with disease immunity, photosynthesis and increased fruit production. Too little can reduce plants' vigor, leaving them susceptible to disease and poor output.

Actual boron content is 0.02 percent. Boron is vital for producing sugar and carbohydrates in the plant, as well as seed and fruit development. Too little boron will cause small leaves and heart rot.

Actual copper content is 0.07 percent. Copper helps plants reproduce, build strong cell walls and reduce radicals. A deficiency will lead to stunted growth, bluish-green veins and poor tissue development.

The actual chelated iron is 0.15 percent. Iron helps in the formation of chlorophyll. If your plants have yellow leaves with green veins, they aren't receiving enough iron.

The chelated actual manganese is 0.05 percent. Manganese helps plants breakdown carbohydrates and nitrogen. Too little manganese will lead to stunted growth and mottled yellow and white leaves.

Actual molybdenum content is 0.0005 percent. Molybdenum helps in the breakdown of nitrogen.

Actual zinc content is 0.06 percent. Zinc helps plants regulate their growth and sugar consumption. Too little zinc will lead to small, yellow leaves and low yields.

The minimum amount of EDTA, a chelating agent, is 1.2 percent. Chelates are a chemical compound that play a vital role in oxygen transport and photosynthesis.

What is the dilution rate of Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food?

Outdoor dilution rate: 1 tablespoon per gallon of water every 7 to 14 days.
Watering can singles: 1 packet per gallon of water every 7 to 14 days.

NOTE: with new scoop, 1 level scoop of large end equals 1.5 tablespoons for the typical 1.5 gallon watering can. Old scoop level scoop equaled 1 tablespoon.

Indoor dilution rate: 1/2 teaspoon per 2 quarts of water, or 1 teaspoon per gallon of water every 7 to 14 days (small end of scoop = 1/2 teaspoon).
Watering can singles: 1 packet to 2 gallons of water every 7 to 14 days.

Constant feeding method: 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, given at every watering. 6&tabs


Well-Known Member
Seven worked ok, but not aginst grasshoppers out here Im trying this..

It was recomeded by Uncle Ben.

Its systemic, meaning one application per year in the ground an it sucks it up.
An its made from synthetic Nicotine with very very low toxisity to mamals.
Safe for about every fruit an veggie.

Imidacloprid is a nicotine-based, systemic insecticide, which acts as a neurotoxin and belongs to a class of chemicals called the neonicotinoids. Although it is now off patent, the primary manufacturer of this chemical is Bayer CropScience, (part of Bayer AG). It is sold under the trade names Kohinor, Admire, Advantage (Advocate), Gaucho, Mallet, Merit, Nuprid, Prothor, Turfthor, Confidor, Conguard, Hachikusan, Premise, Prothor, Provado and Winner. Imidacloprid is one of the most widely used insecticides and can be applied by soil injection, tree injection, or broadcast foliar or ground application as a granular or liquid formulation or as a pesticide-coated seed treatment.[2][3]
alright are you saying mix the mulch in the soil? if so how much?? and what about animal control?? btw thanks alot man, really appreciate the help!
also anyone who sees an indoor grow thread about 2/3 through my first indoor grow.. ADVICE THERE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ;D;D
thanks again