First Outdoor Grow


So this is what has come of what was supposed to be an outdoor nft hydro setup. Its a roughly 14" plant that was pretty badly root bound in a quarter to a half gallon pot for a long while. It was started in a little paper cup, and then transplanted to this small flower pot after about a week. That means it must have stayed in that pot growing outdoors watered exclusively by rainwater for upwards of 7 weeks. We finally managed to plant it in the ground where its been for three weeks give or take, and its starting to flower.

I've posted four pictures along with this thread, we trimmed several of the wilted fan leaves off the plant as you may be able to tell between the pictures. We tried to expose more of the bud sites to light so as to promote growth there, rather than in the big leaves. We left four of the big fans however as we didnt think it wise to trim them all off.

If anyone has any advice at all, its very appreciated. were not really hoping for anything special here, just basically some free weed. However if theres a way to make it a decent amount of free weed, thatd be awesome but were trying to keep it all organic so no chemical fertilizer advice please



Active Member
that poor thing, hope u get enough for one joint, I carnt think where to start with advice(to much) and its to late to help,soz
there is allways next year.


Haha thanks, im pretty sure we've already got enough for a joint, im thinking itll maybe produce a half an ounce at this point if we continue to just let it do its thing maybe more maybe less though. Its in really good soil, i think that should be noted as well.


Well-Known Member
oh god i am sorry, but your post has made me crack up
im sorry but u will be lucky to yeild 2 grams

seeing as how uve givin me such a lol ill send a few tips ur way
between now and next season read, read and read
and with a small understanidng of the basics you will able to pull an oz or more


The plant already has about 2-3 grams of buds on it. I know what im talking about when it comes to weight and stuff of that nature. I estimated closer to a half oz because its only may, and the plant is not very old. Correct me if im wrong but the growing season doesnt usually end before summer even starts. I know how to grow, as ive done it before, but this plant was given very little attention as both me and my buddy were away at school for about two months of its life. I was merely trying to get any suggestions on how to salvage THIS plant not on how to do it right next time.

To answer your question the half ounce estimate comes from the fact that ive seen a plant close to half this size yield a quarter and up, and plants even smaller yield super dense eighths. Im growing in northern california, smack in the middle of the emerald triangle, which is the perfect climate and has great soil so an estimate of 2 grams is ridiculous for any plant, i notice you guys are primarily from australia and i can probably guarantee its a bit different here. were on the same latitude as central asia, which is where cannabis is native to, hence it grows great here especially since the climate is even more suited to it.

if i could get any help on what to do with this plant to maximize the yield it gets i'd really appreciate it, i know the current state of the plant is rather laughable but understandably that isnt what im looking to hear here. i dont need the obvious stated anymore, rather i could use some actual advice