First outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Last 2 cuttings dampened off, stems just went brown and they died, they never rooted.
I have taken two more cuttings and these look much more promising. They were lateral shoots at the bottom of the stem that wouldn't amount to much and were really shaded by the rest of the plant. So out of 10 seeds, I have one plant and no guarantee of a female out of those seeds.

It does STINK though, it's a deep and chocolately smell, it's delicious and I wish you could post smells on the internet. Nevermind.

I'm also due two rooted clones sometime soon from a person I know. I forgot to ask what strain they are but I'll find out when I get them.


Well-Known Member
Will clones need hardening off or will they be fine to plant out now? Daytime temps at the minute are around 18 - 20 degrees celcius.

I'd assume they'd be fine saying as I planted my seedlings out in march when temps were around 5-8 degrees celcius - and that's really the minimum temperature before they die.

I thought clones would be more used to higher temps saying as they're taking from mothers which are usually under HID's or several flourescent tubes, so they'd be less hardy.

Maybe I'm just being obsessive :p

I'll post when I do get clones, maybe some pics of both the clones and the outdoor plant.


Well-Known Member
Gave one away which died and mine was put outside which was eaten.

Took loads of clones off the Afghan, hoping for a female but it still hasn't shown preflowers. I swapped someone a clone of my Afghan for someone else's - they flowered my Afghan clone and said it was female but I'm sure they're comfusing stipules with preflowers.

It's much bigger now, I will get pics next time I'm down but the weather's been shitty at the minute.


Well-Known Member
hmm im not sure havent seen anything like that with mine ever or in the books ive read but the bush is lookin good besides that