first outdoor grow . what you think ?


First 2 plants are feminined seeds from the single seed centre and other bigger one in small pot is from a random seed i have found in my stash box don't know the sex yet. And other is a clone i picked up from a buddy don't know strain??.

White stuff on plant is bird shit .



Lol thats ku thanks again if u don't mind me asking were u at in Im also in 626 area to b exact


Well-Known Member
Looks nice man, but all except the first pic are showing (severe) signs of heat stress.
How hot is it where you have them?
Can you perhaps give them indirect sun during the hot hours of the day(11-4 usually) and water a little more frequently?
It's nice to see a newb with dry soil, but that soil there looks like desert.
Edit:sorry, the last 4 pics I think look bad.
Obviously the second plant.


It gets to 80's on a good day and it lowers when its cold but its been uo n down lately stupid weather its raining now all of a sudden. I water every 2 days and i feed every Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
OK, I started looking at pot color, and noticed you have more than 2 plants, then I went back and re-read.
Why do your last 4 pics look so diff.?
Are they in a different area?
What about my shade question?
Those plants may have a lower heat tolerance.


Ok i have 3 7 gallon pots and 1 small one . 2 are still growing and 1 has the clone . Other is in small one. All in small place just different angle. Umm i really don't have a place to put for shade i have it out in the open in my backyard.