Well-Known Member

I ran my outdoor plants start to finish with Mega Crop last year, I was really happy with how my plants performed, aside from a few mistakes that were 100% my fault. One thing to note is mine were grown in coco and perlite.Med68w, great pics and crop, thankx for sharing.
I too grow outdoors and last year used Nector of the Gods which was very successful. This year I'm reading up on Mega Crop and really enjoyed your grow.
Perhaps you could assist me by providing me with your MC feeding schedule, I grow in soil with vermiculite (6 gal fabric pots) .
Assistance is greatly welcome. I live in Florida (similar to the Mediterranean area) and wish to know how often I should feed using Mega Crop.
I grow in 5 gal pots and they are outside exposed to the elements.
In the past, using Nectar of the Gods I fed every 3 days and water the other 2 days and flushed monthly. The crop turned out very satisfactory. Since this the first time using Mega Crop I’m open to advice. If it makes any difference, most of the girls are sativa.
Excellent. This will put me in the ball park, something to sink my teeth into.@garybo if you follow a feed-water-water-feed schedule with Mega Crop, I think you'd do just fine. Greenleaf has been including a scoop with the new formula, if you use one scoop per 5 gallons of water you shouldn't risk any nutrient burn/shock as long as the plants are not too young.
When I used the old formula MC last year, I was feeding at 4 grams/gallon every watering at 2-3 leaf sets and they took to it just fine. That was using inert media, so my feeding frequency was higher than what you'll likely be doing.