First Outdoor Grow *pics*


Well-Known Member
Hello All. I just discovered this site about 2 days ago. I have been scouring it for every bit of info. Thought maybe it was time to post my short story with pics. After reading all the information here, I realize how many mistakes I made. Try not to judge too harshly and any last-minute tips are greatly appreciated!

First time grow (if you don't count the 3 times in college when I got paranoid and cut the plant down to smoke it before it started to flower).

I live in Florida and planted this outdoors in the first week of May. I found 3 bagseeds and tried to germinate them. Only one sprouted. I planted it in a small pot and put it outside on the deck. After a few weeks, I moved it tp a 10-gallon pot. I watered it occasionally and didn't bother with it too much (but for topping it in June). In fact, I didn't use any nutrients until about August when the plant started to die. Almost all the leaves fell off. I started using a bit of Miracle Grow All Purpose (more on that below). Somehow it came back and started to show its female sex with flowers around 10/1. Luckily, that one seed I planted happened to be female. First pic below (far left) is a pic from 10/20.

Now its been about 8 weeks since it started to flower and I think it still has a few weeks to go. Any comments on that subject are appreciated. I finally figured out after reading this site where to look for the trichs. I had been looking at the white pistils, not the sugary leaves. Too bad the battery (or lightbulb) died in my magnifier AFTER I figured that out. I hope to get it straightened out tonight so I can look at the trichs. The only ferlizers I have used so far are Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-16) during veg and Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (10-52-10) after flowering started. I add about a tsp of formula to 2quarts of water and water my plant 1 x per week. I have been using regular tap water or brita filtered water. The other three pics below are some pics from today, 11/25.

I have a few concerns that I am sure come from doing everything wrong.
It doesn't seem like my buds are ready yet, but its been 8 weeks! Have I stunted the growth rate by using tap water and Miracle Grow and/or using too much/too little of each? There are very little sugary spots on my leaves, does that mean weak bud? Some of the leaves at the bottom of my plant are yellowing with brown spots and curled up brown edges, does that suggest nute deficiency or lack of ph balance or is that normal? I've read it could be potassium or magnesium deficiency or low/high ph or just normal, so I am not sure. Also, I have some white, milky substance on a couple of leaves in the back. This seems like it could be a mold I have read about so I am not sure if I should remove all of the leaves with this stuff on it or just leave it since it is so close to harvest... I think its close to harvest anyway... When is this dang thing going to be ready?!!

I have already ordered a ph tester and some Pure Blend Pro Bloom and Grow for next time. Although I definitely think there is something to be said for a "less is more mentality." I also plan on ordering my seeds through a seed bank next time, and planting more than one seed to ensure at least one female plant. Thoughts, criticisms are welcome! Thanks for listening to my rant! Great site!



Active Member
Most garden stores sell those big foam cones to cover roses with to protect from frost. I imagine you would find one of those the right size and cover it. Or if you want to be cheap about things, use a cardboard box...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info re: covering the plant. I would also like some feedback on harvesting time and any last minute suggestions for improvement of the buds before harvest. I am thinking 2-4 weeks before its ready? Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
mabey another 6-8 weeks before harvest? depends on strain, and the plant itself so im told. dont quote me on this. but im growing a baby in my attic thats been in flowering for 7 weeks and im JUST starting to see buds growing...