First outdoor grow... need a lil help

I am used to growing indoors but but have been inspired to move the youngsters outdoors. This is my first time up against weather and pest and all that nature has waiting to attack my plants. Aside from spider mites i have not ran into any problems indoors. The pictures attached are the best way for me to describe the problem. The only plants that seem affected seem to be the green candies that I transplanted outdoors less than a week ago. The rest of the plants are thriving. the leaves are also a lot lighter than my green crack, gdp, and master kush.



how many times do you feed them a week? how maney times do you hit them with water a week? RO water or tap.. i had the same looking problem with my plants found it was cal/mag deff one of the two i use RO water. i just hit it with some molasses in every feeding for a week and they jumped right back up.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how use fix a Calcium and a magnesium problem by feeding mollasses. You will always get that deficiency using RO water. Looks to me that plant could not stand some cold nights. Give her a while dont panic a long season ahead also invest in a moisture meter to ensure you are not overwatering the baby. good luck dirrtyd
I'm feeding every four days and watering when the soil is dry a few inches under the top soil. I'm watering with deep well water that i get from an agricultural well on my property. It was cold when i moved these girls outdoors and they were some of the youngest. The fact that only one of the strains suffered while all conditions are identical makes me believe it was just a weather related. They are looking way better now. Thanks a bunch though.