First Outdoor Grow - Help me!!


Active Member
For the past couple weeks I have been searching all around for good grow spots and have found a whole bunch of them. I live in pennyslvania in an area where few people live. I have a couple questions about my locations. one of my locations is a place that is secluded and gets plenty of sunlgiht, but the thing I am unsure about is the soil conditions. Although i plan on transporting a soil mix to that spot, the soil in the area always seems to be moist, its has a few rivers around it and the soil always seems to be kinda wet. Would my plants be happy there with such moist/wet soil? (btw I know its much to late to plant now, i plan on planting in april). Another one of the spots I found is on top of this 200 student elementary school which is not visible from the road. Its easy enough to get on top of the building and the light conditions are excellent as well as the "stealthness" of the spot. But the thing is there are helicoptors than occasionally fly around by where I live. I dont know what these helicoptors are even looking for marijuana, but if they are would they be able to easily spot them?


Well-Known Member
For the past couple weeks I have been searching all around for good grow spots and have found a whole bunch of them. I live in pennyslvania in an area where few people live. I have a couple questions about my locations. one of my locations is a place that is secluded and gets plenty of sunlgiht, but the thing I am unsure about is the soil conditions. Although i plan on transporting a soil mix to that spot, the soil in the area always seems to be moist, its has a few rivers around it and the soil always seems to be kinda wet. Would my plants be happy there with such moist/wet soil? (btw I know its much to late to plant now, i plan on planting in april). Another one of the spots I found is on top of this 200 student elementary school which is not visible from the road. Its easy enough to get on top of the building and the light conditions are excellent as well as the "stealthness" of the spot. But the thing is there are helicoptors than occasionally fly around by where I live. I dont know what these helicoptors are even looking for marijuana, but if they are would they be able to easily spot them?
dont worry about the soil condition because that you CAN fix(ive heard of a strain that likes moisture-ill fugure it out and tell you in a message) ,worry about the plants security(not get spoted by anyone) im also going to start a grow in april, any ways good luck on your grow!


Active Member
yeah they would lol. but i dont see how they would catch me. then again ive always been too much of a risk taker