First Outdoor Grow! Bagseed.

I don't know about the Doc and all the other people in here bashing NOB, but I don't believe Nice Ol Bud here is lying. NOB keep it cool man. I would be paranoid too if I were around a neighborhood... well nm I am in a neighborhood full of coppers. I don't grow shit no more. Keep myself patiently waiting for a legal opportunity. Don't let all these other foolz bother you. There just addicted to crack. lmao : ) Yo
I don't know about the Doc and all the other people in here bashing NOB, but I don't believe Nice Ol Bud here is lying. NOB keep it cool man. I would be paranoid too if I were around a neighborhood... well nm I am in a neighborhood full of coppers. I don't grow shit no more. Keep myself patiently waiting for a legal opportunity. Don't let all these other foolz bother you. There just addicted to crack. lmao : ) Yo
going great for me
had to take break from the bullshit but i see on my return it is still continued
hi doc how you been

Lol i come on this shit like once a month nd yall still talkin shit..
its too funny mayn.. im baked as fuc nd yall still goin..
drop it........ LOL.
And i love readin when yall say shit bout ma fake grows..
i aint give enough evidence bacc then?
yall trippin lol.
Ite hope everythin goin good for yall.
hey doc since aint shit going on here how you been bro shut down that snowplow and lets talk and toke
hey doc since aint shit going on here how you been bro shut down that snowplow and lets talk and toke
Hahahaha!!!!!! I've been getting my ass kicked! Yesterday was the first day in over a week without snow. We had a pretty bad ice storm too. That just made things worse. The plow doesn't like ice. That shit's heavy! Anyways, I've had bronchitis and can't seem to shake it. I'm probably gonna have to get some antibiotics to help clear this shit up. How've you been my friend? Did you ever get the cabin finished? :blsmoke:
I hate fu#king snow. Its even worse when you got severe tooth pains. Supposed to snow today where I'm at. Its been chilled for a while now so I wouldn't doubt it. lol @ be all you can be
i been working my butt off
got it dried in will hang sheetrock this weekend

Hahahaha!!!!!! I've been getting my ass kicked! Yesterday was the first day in over a week without snow. We had a pretty bad ice storm too. That just made things worse. The plow doesn't like ice. That shit's heavy! Anyways, I've had bronchitis and can't seem to shake it. I'm probably gonna have to get some antibiotics to help clear this shit up. How've you been my friend? Did you ever get the cabin finished? :blsmoke:
I don't know about the Doc and all the other people in here bashing NOB, but I don't believe Nice Ol Bud here is lying. NOB keep it cool man. I would be paranoid too if I were around a neighborhood... well nm I am in a neighborhood full of coppers. I don't grow shit no more. Keep myself patiently waiting for a legal opportunity. Don't let all these other foolz bother you. There just addicted to crack. lmao : ) Yo

Just curious, why are you still here? I mean, you're not really contributing anything to the site, so what gives? I personally don't give a shit whether you stay or leave but you've said you're done with the site multiple times (a couple of times in this thread alone). What gives?:-?
Just curious, why are you still here? I mean, you're not really contributing anything to the site, so what gives? I personally don't give a shit whether you stay or leave but you've said you're done with the site multiple times (a couple of times in this thread alone). What gives?:-?

If you dont give a shit then drop it :D