first outdoor grow and i have questions


Active Member
Hello all. this is my first outdoor grow. i have about 12 seedlings that are any where from 4 to 6 inches tall. i have found a clearing in the woods and i would like to start my setup. i was thinking of putting a french drain under my grow area. i was thinking on doing 2 rows of the plants and install a french drain about 2 to 2.5 feet below the ground right in between the rows. does anyone have any experience or advice on this? i would also like to find some good home recipes for some soil and will putting dead fish a foot or 2 under my plants do more harm then good?. i also plan on planting the directly in the ground so some advice on that would help to. so basiclly just give me all the info you can on setting up the best outdoor grow possible with out spending thousands of dollars. just give me some tips and secrets or any advice.
thanks for your help. i may post some pics too if you guys help me out.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what a french drain is so I cant comment on that. Rows make them stand out so unless you are in a very secure area I would think about that. A simple mix would probably be like 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 decent potting soil, maybe add in some perlite for drainage, add some dolomite lime to stable the ph, greensand if you can find or maybe some kelp meal either of those will add some micro nutrients. using dead fish may bring animals digging up your plants to get whats under them, same thing with blood and bone meal. But you can get Alaska fish ferts pretty cheap, and thats not as smelly probably, im using that this year for my outdoor grow, so far they havent been bothered. That mix is the one above with greensand and dolomite, they looking pretty good, I may have gone a little less on the compost tho and higher on the peat, the recipe isnt exact, I go by how if feels as far as light and airy, alot depends on the soil you get, and how it mixes.


Active Member
I have no idea what a french drain is so I cant comment on that. Rows make them stand out so unless you are in a very secure area I would think about that. A simple mix would probably be like 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 decent potting soil, maybe add in some perlite for drainage, add some dolomite lime to stable the ph, greensand if you can find or maybe some kelp meal either of those will add some micro nutrients. using dead fish may bring animals digging up your plants to get whats under them, same thing with blood and bone meal. But you can get Alaska fish ferts pretty cheap, and thats not as smelly probably, im using that this year for my outdoor grow, so far they havent been bothered. That mix is the one above with greensand and dolomite, they looking pretty good, I may have gone a little less on the compost tho and higher on the peat, the recipe isnt exact, I go by how if feels as far as light and airy, alot depends on the soil you get, and how it mixes.
A french drain is used for drainage around peoples houses. pretty simple to construct. dig a trench about 2 feet deep, 1 foot wide, and however long you may need it, then lay down a filter fabric in the bottom of the tench, then about 2inches of gravel. then you add a pipe with holes in it then cover it with gravel and sand . then cover that with the filter fabric then add your soil or dirt to the top and level it out. you just got to make sure that your pipe has a mild slope to it so water just dosent sit in it. it is fairly simple and cheap to set up. i think it could help me alot with the rain so my girls dont get flooded. does anyone have anyadvice for planting straight into the ground? how big should they get before i do this. and also are there any pesticides or somthing i can do to get rid of any bug problem that may occur? i know i have alot of questions but i want o do it right so lend me some advice if you can.