First outdoor autos, need tips


Well-Known Member
Could really use some tips on running autos outdoors. Simple stuff, anything you can offer in way of advice. I'm in the Northeast. Experienced in outdoor photos.

Sativa dom strain. Can I expect these to get bigger than indoors seeing how I'm running straight sun? Dropping the seeds next week. Appreciate the help.....

My plan is to harvest twice. I pulled my regs last year end of October. Need a little summer fun, thus the autos....

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
Will definitely get bigger than indoors. Currently running two indoors and two outdoors;?same strain, same date planted. After 6 weeks the outdoor ones are about 5” taller, stronger Stems, more buds, healthier looking.

Nothing beats Mother Nature! It’s like a solarium-go in that and you come out Orange, lie in the sun and you will look naturally healthier;-)

Sativas will get bigger.

Bit late to run two crops or u starting one and soon after the 2nd run. How far north are you? I mean, proper winters and stuff?
