First organic grow. Fox Farm HP/OC is it good to go outta the bag?


Active Member
hey so yeah im doing my first organic grow... i started off using happy frog in a 1 and 3 gallon pots, then transplanted to 5 gallon and one in a 7 gallon and i used ocean forrest for that and mykos. i have been doing nothing but water till recently i put a lil mollasess in the water... and im soon getting neptunes fish and seaweed to start fertilizing a lil bit with. I am on week 3 of flower in my 600w hps tent.

Do yall think i will be okay with just a lil molasess and neptunes fish and seaweed for my soil amendments? thanks! have a great day


Active Member
Mix general hydros ancient forest humic acid along with the mykos into the soil maybe some more worm castings. Its a good start but you'll definetly need something more to finish your plants.


Active Member
Mix general hydros ancient forest humic acid along with the mykos into the soil maybe some more worm castings. Its a good start but you'll definetly need something more to finish your plants.
so i need humic acid and worm castings? doesnt the fox farm soil already have that


Well-Known Member
FFOF is all ready for u

just put it in the pot water the soil down once and then plant your plug in the middle of it ..............your done

FFOF is hot u do not need to do any N watering for atleast 3 weeks ...................u will notice the plants leaves are a much darker green then from the other soil
im glad to hear you are getting the neptunes......did your plant bounce back? I know it seems like marijuana plants "need" all these products, but a lil bit goes a long way, and double-so with organics. Worm casting tea alone with the neptunes should be enough to get some awesome buds. i dont work for a worm casting or kelp meal company but i really cant suggest them to you enough......I have tip for you bro, email some nutrient companies for a sample, i have received hundreds of dollars worth of stuff for FREE. Just make sure youre asking the right people......i made the mistake of e-mailing some not so quality nutrient companies and ended up throwing some samples in the trash.(did some reading while waiting for the samples to ship, and found out they contained lots of carcinogens:dunce:)


Active Member
this is why i get on this site, and this is why i freinded yall. thanks for all the help, it really goes along way... im going email some companys and see what happens. and yeah im gonna find out if she is gonna bounce back after i go and take a look tonight i just fed them the fish and seaweed from neptunes and they have had one mollases watering.... but i left three sativas in 1 gallon pots and im pretty sure there not to happy about it but i ran outta soil money and time... i had to flower the bigger plants u know?

i think i need to start a jounrnal but it is too late...


Well-Known Member
Neptunes Harvest Fish and Seaweed is great stuff. While I don't use it frequently (my soil is well ammended) it's my go-to when I feel like my plants are a little hungry and I want quicker results than I can get with a top dress or I'm too busy/lazy to brew up some tea.

Don't be alarmed by how acidic that stuff is, and don't add any silly chemicals in an attempt to raise it's pH.

I also keep a bottle of that stuff around for all our house plants that I dont have time to brew teas for.