First Order from the 'Tude... No problem!


Well-Known Member
Put some cash and an order form in an envelope, affix an international stamp, drop the envelope into a mailbox, wait 14 days, and VIOLA! New suvineers! Thanks Attitude.

All through the notorious 'Chicago' sorting facility.

Single 10 pack of THC Bomb regulars, and a pair of Granddaddy Purple regular freebies. WoooHooo!!! Known Genetics! No more bagseed roulette (at least not until a bean is found in a dank bag of 'commercial' bud. haven't bought 'commercial' bud in over 2 years... relying on friends to save the ceed from their best bagged bud. slow going, though, it's all mid-grade or worse.)

A small order, to be sure...but just a hobby. With all the posts about confiscated beans, Customs Inspector the Molestor, and errant deliveries, it's surprizing mail order still worked in this day and age of instant communication. Talk about old school!...

I suppose it was luck, or perhaps the stars aligned just right, but it worked, this time.
My first order just went to "Processed Through Sort Facility" In Chicago. That was yesterday at 4:17 PM. Crossing fingers Anyways what type of stealth did you use? Was it the T Shirt with Tin or the coffee mug? I went with the mug. From what I read it had a lot to do with the shirt orders.
Attitude ROCKS. I think many of the anti-attitude threads are started by competitors, the instances where guys can prove their seeds got nicked by customs are few and far between and ALL of them had their orders re-sent the second they proved it to Attitude...
That, and a lot of guys are impatient and jump the gun on demanding free beans from the 'tude... I bet none of them make a post when the seeds finally DO arrive.

They're the biggest bank out there moving biggest volumes and in my personal experience they have a perfect track record. I recommend always going for the shirt option if you're outside of Europe, it handles the long journey best.

I know that feeling of getting your first batch of trusted genetics. Feels bloody AWSOME doesn't it?!
I'm 5/5 on my orders with them, and all my orders have been placed in this past 2 months with everyone bitching about the tude.
ive been mailing cash to attitude & have never had one order go south yet i like collecting the mugs i just wish they held a little more coffee sannie has given me good results as well & world-wide too but attitude remains my favorite in 3 years of mailing them cash theyve never done me wrong yet & until they do me wrong ill stick with them
My first order just went to "Processed Through Sort Facility" In Chicago. That was yesterday at 4:17 PM. Crossing fingers Anyways what type of stealth did you use? Was it the T Shirt with Tin or the coffee mug? I went with the mug. From what I read it had a lot to do with the shirt orders.

Went with the 'crushproof tin'. That's it. Got the breeder pack, which looks just like every other ceed package you'd find at any garden center. The freebies were in a little plastic ziplock bag with a tag stapled to it showing the strain name and a small pic.

Kinda anxious to get the thc bombs going... hopefully, the strain will live up to it's specs. Been tokin' for 30+ years (on and off). Not a heavy smoker, perhaps a gram or two a day mostly in the evening... Built up a bit of a tolerance, though. Migrade bud still works, but always want more of a buzz.

Unfortunately, the grow room (closet) is shut down for the summer... Gets too hot during the long summer days. But the ceeds should be fine for a couple months.
Went with the 'crushproof tin'. That's it. Got the breeder pack, which looks just like every other ceed package you'd find at any garden center. The freebies were in a little plastic ziplock bag with a tag stapled to it showing the strain name and a small pic.

Kinda anxious to get the thc bombs going... hopefully, the strain will live up to it's specs. Been tokin' for 30+ years (on and off). Not a heavy smoker, perhaps a gram or two a day mostly in the evening... Built up a bit of a tolerance, though. Migrade bud still works, but always want more of a buzz.

Unfortunately, the grow room (closet) is shut down for the summer... Gets too hot during the long summer days. But the ceeds should be fine for a couple months.

The Status on my order is looking pretty good right now. Its left the customs part and went through the USPS sort Facility and has departed. Spent 28 hrs in the cuystoms part though so im alittle worried. We will see in a few days I guess.