First Offical Grow - Multiple Strains, 300 Watts CFL to 400 Watt HPS, Vertical Grow!


Active Member
My First Official Grow! Stealthy Vertical Grow Style!

Some of you may know that I recently started a grow, but im sad to say that my parents found my veg cabinet. I know some of you are thinking thats its selfish for me to even start a grow in my parents house, but just to let you know I pay half of the bills, so I guess I should have the right to, I'm 19 BTW.

LINK to first attempted grow:

This time around I'm going to make this grow very stealthy, I built a makeshift computer desk out of this washroom sink cabinet i found laying in my alley, and a flat piece of wood.

I've done hours of research on growing, so I'm pretty sure i'd be capable for a successful first grow. :)

Grow Info:
Nirvana Aurora Indica x2
Female Seeds White Widow x Big Bang x2
Female Seeds Bubble Gummer x1
Female Seeds Northern Lights x1

Lights: 320W CFL for veg & 400W HPS for flower / 8x 6500k 26 Watt CFLS & 2x 2300k 60 Watt Bulbs
Soil: 3 Parts Promix BX, 1 Part Worm Castings, 1 Part Perlite, 1 tbsp Dolomite Lime
Nutes: PlantProd 20-20-20 for veg & Plantprod 15-30-15 for flowering
-I compared the ingredients to jacks classics ingredients, and everything is is exactly the same except plant prod uses more real nitrogen, while jacks uses more "urea" nitrogen. So these nutes should be better, lets hope so!
Veg Cabinet Temp: 80-82 degrees
Germination Method: Place seeds in shotglass full of water until they sink, then place straight into soil mix

I will be vegging horizontally, I hear plants like light hanging horizontally rather than vertical.
& then I will be flowering with the light hanging bare, vertically for obvious reasons. (more light penetration to the buds)


Cool! A picture of a computer desk o_O"

Top of Computer Desk ;)

Whats under here? ( I placed a black piece of wood infront of the veg cabinet to cover it )

Inside view of Veg Cabinet, Pre-soaked seeds placed in soil today

Outside view of Veg Cabinet

Lights I'm currently using, later on once the seedlings are 1 1/2 weeks old I will add in 8 more lights.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting them to break are you going to control smell when flowering form your parents?