First natural bagseed grow :)


So, I started these babies about a month ago, and they're finally starting to gain some heighth. I have probably the most basic set-up possible, and have been doing this all natural. Basic 10-10-10 soil, no nutes, basic fan, room thermostat as my temperature gauge, and bright white/daylight CFLs as my light source. I was using the light schedule for this area starting out, but have (over the past two weeks) started using a 16/8 light schedule. Three of these babies have been with me since day one, and the one with the big fat leaves has just recently been rescued from my friends backyard. Btw, sorry for the crappy pictures, they were taken on my phone, lol. :)



Active Member
get your lights closer :)
and your fist post looks like my very first journal post haha my plants looked small and weak. i think your over watering, i did it too.. you really only need to water every 2 days. i know it sounds like alot but its good for your pot to dry out. pluss rep for first journal +rep


Well, I randomly saw these things called water gems while I was at michaels arts & crafts, and they're basically this super absorbant material that you can use either for cut flowers, or to replace soil altogether. So I figured why not try it out :) they start out as really small beads, and as they absorb water, they expand, and the sort of slowly feed your plant water as it needs it. Figured it was worth trying out with one of my babies. Since there was no soil for nutrients, I opted to try out the african violet on it. The only issue that I'm seeing is that since it is not really a stable environment for the roots, it may not feel like it can spread. So I'm going to try and figure out a way to solve this issue. I was thinking maybe rocks around the plant, and use the water gems as the water source from around the barrier.


get your lights closer :)
and your fist post looks like my very first journal post haha my plants looked small and weak. i think your over watering, i did it too.. you really only need to water every 2 days. i know it sounds like alot but its good for your pot to dry out. pluss rep for first journal +rep
Alright, lights are moved closer, and I'll start using only a 1/2 cup of water till they get bigger. I've been trying only to water them every couple days, but I was using 3/4 cup. think maybe 1-2 drops of african violet per liter to start these babies off? And thanks for the rep! :D


Active Member
For a month they are very small, I have the same growth in two weeks. I would suggest investing a few more dollars into lighting.


For the first three weeks they were window plants, only getting the full rays of the sun for the first half of the day, and residual light the rest. So they were only getting enough light to stay alive, rather than grow. But once I switched them over to the cfls during the day, and blocked out all light at night (and changed their light schedule to 16/8 ) they really started to grow. In other words, I started out the very slow and careful way, lol. But now they have plenty of light, 2 daylight cfls, and 2 bright white cfls, with-in 6-8 inches from my babies. So we'll see how well they do with that during the next week or so :)


Oh, and keep in mind that the first pictures of the smaller ones are when they were only a couple weeks old... The further along in the pictures, the older they are.


Alright, so it's been a little while since my last update, so here it is :) I'm one plant down, due to lighting switch failure while i was away, and two others are looking alittle rough. But all three are still showing significant new growth, and for the most part, are looking good :D