First Micro Grow - stavlen


Well-Known Member
because of the time im not at home during the day its going 12/12 like originally planned. if they die, they die. :(


Well-Known Member
Day 09
Group shot and individual pics looks like they doubled in size since yesterday... never realized how fast things can grow
Oh and i changed my mind again... its in 24/7 for another week or 2





This one has only 1 new leaf coming in from the middle... normal???

Do they look healthy?

and my questions again are
will the 2 bulbs work ok together?
is it ok for the plants?
and can I raise this many plants under the 2 different bulbs I have until I can tell the sex?


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy....that set up is looking much better. Questions on your ventilation. How are they getting fresh CO2? Is this in an enclosed room? Does this room have a window to outside? Remember plants breathe in CO2 and breath out Oxygen...opposite to us. Just like we do they need fresh air. If not get some of those small CO2 replacements for like pellot guns or something and Feed them that. Also is the air holes in that box only running front to back or all 4 sides? try to make to levels of air holes as this will better distribute airflow to the plants and make for overall better ventilation. Keep us updated! Good luck!:mrgreen::joint::peace:

Day 7

got a splitter and another 42w. any ideas on how i can set up the circulation for the best air flow? I have 5 fans total. 3 of which are put together... It just seems like it will get hot hot. and no one is home for 8-9 hours a day.... help?



Well-Known Member
Oh and I forgot to mention, in reply to the lights being on and off. Dude if there in veg they NEED at least 18-22 hours of light in a day man. I HIGHLY suggest just leaving them all in 24/7 Its cheaper than turning those lights on and off everyday is ij just great for the plants. Ir enclosurement looks ok it looks safe to me mann :-)


Well-Known Member
Ok! thanks a lot bro. There is no co2 Idk how to do it... its too cold to open a window... about 10 degrees and i have animals. our cat snuck her way into my room and at 2 new small leaves off of the stretched plant last night. it is still growing, but will it die soon? :-/

Day 10 - Afternoon, Just watered.




Well-Known Member
Ok! thanks a lot bro. There is no co2 Idk how to do it... its too cold to open a window... about 10 degrees and i have animals. our cat snuck her way into my room and at 2 new small leaves off of the stretched plant last night. it is still growing, but will it die soon? :-/

Day 10 - Afternoon, Just watered.


At that young ate it very well might. Hard to tell. Depends if the other leafs on it are large enough to suck in the amount of light the plants need to live. Get some CO2 canisters from a sporting goods store. When I didnt have enough CO2 getting to my babys, I used a CO2 replacements and a Tire pressure meter, Yanked the measurement rod from the middle and it sprayed the CO2 directly on to the plants tops. Worked great until I moved them into a room where I could open the windows. And remember it gets too cold just adjust to heat to blast warm air on em so they dont die.


Well-Known Member
Day 10-Night-Pics

Added some fire proof silver sheet stuff, dont know what its called.


These are my main ones

These are the defective ones... sorry for blurryness
Cat ate the middle leaves of this

only one leaf is growing in right from the middle of this one

how are they health wise?


Well-Known Member
Day 11

This one is growing at normal speed just... mini.

the 'special' plants

Im tying this one off, its an experiment



Well-Known Member
day 12..

cell phone.. cam dead.

well one of them has started to get yellow upper leaves... :(
I made a temp co2 source... its vinegar dripping on baking soda...
and at the nodes it looks like there are pistols.. i made a thread
on it but i was told that it was part of the leaves, but the are at
the part where the branches come off the stem... Oh and I killed off
the one that had the leaves eaten by the cat... was too much hassle.

the one with yellow... HELP!

the one that seems not to be growing even

the co2 set up


Well-Known Member
day 13

let me know if any of the up close pics are showing sex(the stem pics will be a close up of the plant above)
I am thinking about killing these 2

These 2 are the ones i like



Well-Known Member
Day 14 guys, how do the girls look?

the nodes on all the plants are about a quarter inch or less apart... is that good?

My main bitch is shea i think she is gonna be really bushy:

Baby is growing pint size, she'd be good for a micro she is really bushy as well specially for how small she is:

JUST TO GIVE AN IDEA HOW SMALL SHE IS(she is at the same stage as shea)

Misty bad health but is looking a little better:

and here is tara, the one that stretched early and now seems like only half of the plant is growing normally:

The water im using is bottled water from my water fountain, i par for 5 gallon tanks every week...
no nutes, and dont plan on them anyway.


Well-Known Member
DAY 16
put them on 12/12 yesterday, they have 2 sets of 7 leafed fans. So since they grow 30% or so during flowering i think they will be where i want them. and if they die so be it i half a long life ahead of me hopefully. and if they live yay. i will post pics in a few days.

OH and i killed tara, the tardness of the plant is going to cost it more energy trying to get the struggling leaves in so im down to 3 now. baby misty and shea


Well-Known Member
hey guys been flowering for a week not sure what day im on i think its 26...

I actually was stupid and used normal bugspray to kill my gnat problem but i didnt spray the plant i was very cautious with it and am not seeing bugs now but here is shea the main one

how does she look?
