First marijuana plants (Or are they?!)


Active Member
Well, ive been an avid smoker of pot since i was 14 and i never really thought about growing it, normally i toss the seeds, but a few weeks ago i got some really fire shit and i decided to keep the seeds and give a go at growing some.

I put 2 seeds in a pot, added some water and left it outside for a while, i checked on it everday and for a week nothing popped up, so i thought the seeds where duds, but today (a week and a half later) i just happened to check it and there lay 2 little plants, not i have no clue if this is mary jane or some random stuff that fell in the pot while it was outdoors, so ill post a pic of them and let yall tell me what this is.

These plants are pretty small so it may be hard to tell, the best description i can give is that they are about half an inch tall with two larger round leaves and two smaller pointed, jagged leaves in the middle of the round leaves.

Sorry for the shitty pic, my camera sucks.



Well-Known Member
just a suggestion, but to make your life easier u may wanna seperate those new kids into 2 pots or they'll fight... for light/nutes/water, u get the point :blsmoke:


Active Member
just a suggestion, but to make your life easier u may wanna seperate those new kids into 2 pots or they'll fight... for light/nutes/water, u get the point :blsmoke:
Done, Hopeatleast one of them is a girl :)


I think ill start a journal of this just to keep for future referance :)


Well-Known Member
some advice
start READING as much as u can on growing
i mean u can never know enough
thats the best way to take care of ur plants and ensure u get some bud