First LST grow


Well-Known Member
first grow was pretty sad only got 4 ounces from 4 plants. This is my second grow and this time I wanted to lst my plants for first time. I'm on my 3rd week of bloom. Here are some pics from start till now. Please any advice or see I'm doing anything wrong let me know thankimage.jpg



Well-Known Member
Hi Olie24, looking real good. I have a 4x4 tent (looks like yours is bigger?) and made a screen nearly identical to the one you have fashioned up in there, I used heavy cord to the tent posts in the corners then home made netting (~4"x4" squares) out of lighter gauge string throughout the middle. It sucked in on the sides like it looks like yours is doing and I lost a GREAT deal of real estate out on the sides. It allowed me to spread things out to some degree but was limited in usefulness due to the loss of real estate on the sides and front/back and because it just wasn't rigid/stiff enough, IMHO. It DID however keep me from having to strings up the fat colas which is where I got a great deal of the value from. You might consider running something stiffer on the sides so you can get complete coverage (side to side). I would say the same for the front and back but having some space in the front was helpful for me. It allowed me to reach stuff I would otherwise have not been able to reach.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for looking @orbo Grow tent is 4x4 lol same size as urs. That net on the back is gonna go over all 5 plants just got lazy last night to put it on. I wanna space out the buds that are starting to grow everywhere lol. Should I trim off leafs on the bottom that aren't getting light? And some of the leafs that don't get any light are turning yellow is that normal since they don't get light or should I start feeding nutrients? Here couple pics of the plants they don't look like they need nutrients. pics are from last week but have same color but bigger. Their twice the size now. I will get some pics of the yellow leafs later today any advice?


Well-Known Member
You haven't fed them yet? Holy shnikes!!! Yeah, its definitely time to start thinking about feeding them. God damn man, you must have some killer soil!!!

Personally, I don't cut any leaves off unless they are bothering me for some poking me in the eye every time I look at them. That rarely happens.

Don't even sweat those lower yellow leaves...not even a little bit. You're plants are doing real well.


Well-Known Member
No I haven't feed them since I transferred them to bigger pots went from 3g pot to 10g fabric pots while ago don't even remember lol. I'm using fox soil. I'm going to start feeding nutrients next watering. I know it's a noob question but how long would it take to see if I'm feeding to much or to little nutrients? This where I have a little trouble When it comes to feeding the plant nutrients. Fox farm nutrients are so strong last grow I had to feed them at 20-50 percent strength. if I feed them nutrients higher then that it would burn the leafs but any ways thanks @orbo for help so far.


Well-Known Member
Ok Olie24, this is where I'm going to give you some sage advice. If you don't already have one go get yourself a PPM meter. Hanna Primo works well and it's about $35.00 (ish).

Before we go further, what kind of water are we working with? Tap, RO, Distiller, Rain?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to confuse you so I'll keep this in layman's terms as best I can.

A PPM meter tells you with a great deal of accuracy how much "stuff" is in the water. Here is a basic chart to help you along:

(Focus on the row that says PPM and the column which represents what week you're in at the top)



Well-Known Member
Since you are on 3rd week of bloom that cross references to this chart at week 7. (notice the Light hours change at week 5? that means this chart assumes a 4 week veg.)

Now, according to this chart for week 7 you should be giving your plants:

Soil Application
3 TSP per Gal Big Bloom
2 TSP per Gal Grow Big
2 TSP per Gal Tiger Bloom

2 TSP per Gal Flowers Kiss
1 TSP per Gal Boomerang
.5 TSP per Gal Microbe Brew
.25 Open Sesame


FoxFarm's recommends this 2 times a week.

NOW, if you ask me that is WAY too much food. I only illustrated the chart data so you would A. understand how to read it and B. See what type of food FoxFarm recommends for each week for the various stages.

Notice they keep the veg food going all the way to the last 2 weeks just in lower doses? Its important to keep your leaves present and healthy so they work for you.

All that being said, IMHO would use this formula for your feeding cycle RIGHT NOW -

First Feeding -
150 PPM Cal/MAG
150 PPM Veg Food
200 PPM Flower Food
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.

Second feeding
150 PPM Cal/MAG
200 PPM Veg Food
300 PPM Flower Food
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.

Third Feeding (I would stay in this range for a while to make sure they can handle all the food - they should be pretty big by now)
150 PPM Cal/MAG
200 PPM Veg Food
500 PPM Flower Food
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.

Next Feeding - pHed water with 150 PPM Cal/Mag
See how plants respond.


Well-Known Member
BTW - The yellowing you're are seeing is likely due to Calcium or Magnesium starting to get deficient. During the transition from veg to flower they start using those 2 elements pretty heavily.

Also, everything I mentioned above is assuming you're using RO water. We can adjust once you chime in here with your water source and what the baseline PPM is.


Well-Known Member
@orbo I have a ppm meter just never used it. I'm using rodi water and I veged for almost 2 months. As far as nutrients go for I'm only using the 3 parts big bloom, grow big and Tiger bloom. Here are some pics of the leafs I took off their the bottom leaves. In the fox farm line I'm guessing tiger bloom is the flowering part, grow big is veg and cal and mag is big bloom? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sorry ahead of time if it's a stupid question but in a noob trying to lean.


Well-Known Member
@orbo I have a ppm meter just never used it. I'm using rodi water and I veged for almost 2 months. As far as nutrients go for I'm only using the 3 parts big bloom, grow big and Tiger bloom. Here are some pics of the leafs I took off their the bottom leaves. In the fox farm line I'm guessing tiger bloom is the flowering part, grow big is veg and cal and mag is big bloom? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sorry ahead of time if it's a stupid question but in a noob trying to lean.
No sorrys, we all start somewhere. Its all good.

RO/DI ya say. Well then you definitely need Cal/Mag supplement. The yellowing in the pic is almost surely Cal/Mag deficiency and will continue to get worse until you start adding some.

Grow Big = veg
Tiger Bloom = flower
Big Bloom = flower
( see how that works?)

Cal/Mag is none of these three. Its not listed in the chart, its just something we as growers know needs added. MJ uses quite a bit of Cal and Mag ESPECIALLY during the transition from veg to bloom which explains why its just showing up now, because you went thru this transition a few weeks ago.

Since you are just learning to understand and use the PPM meter your take aways for this lesson are these;

Step 1 - Use the PPM meter to get your water baseline. In other words, get a gallon container, fill it with rodi water and check PPM. This is your baseline - your starting point. I will take a guess and say your rodi water is 20 PPM. That would be your baseline.

Step 2 - After you getting some Cal/Mag, add enough Cal/Mag to the water to make it 170 PPM. Optional - Consider bumping up the Cal/Mag a little since its showing deficient.

Step 3 - If it were me, I would probably split the other nutes up like this -100 PPM Big Bloom/50 PPM Tiger Bloom/50 PPM Gro Big for the first feeding. Of course if your girls respond positively then I would keep bumping up these 3 nutes as the weeks go on.

This is where you pause and give pHed water with some Cal/Mag for 2 waterings and watch the girls to see how they respond to the nutes you gave them. Pay particular attention to the very tips of the leaves. If nothing NEGATIVE happens then start upping the nutes each feeding.


Well-Known Member
Ok got it thanks a lot for all the help. what are some good cal/mag supplement to buy? Now I understand why first grow I also got yellow leaves but I still got some decent buds frosty, great taste when I smoked them and nice high. I just thought that the 3 fox farm nutrients had everything u need to grow. I didn't know that cal/mag I had to get separate. Last grow I grew was barneys farm pineapple chunk pic below most buds looked like this but didn't get many I didn't lst and didn't really know what I was doing. Plant ended up out growing the tent lol.





Well-Known Member
I believe they tout the dirty dozen does have all the essentials but since you're only using the 3 you have to compensate - and especially since you're running rodi.

I suspect Calcium and Magnesium will help with those lower yellows. Sounds like you've got some grows under your belt so you obviously know how to feed them. Sorry for throwing all that shit at you..LOL. Regardless, I have been growing for over 30 years off and on and I can tell you that only just recently have I started using a PPM meter and I am finding the results to be quite impressive. It takes much of the guess work out of it.

I'm going to start making my own Cal/Mag. Right now I'm using Botanicare Plus and I'm not that fond of it. Do a search to see what others are using is my best advice there.


Well-Known Member
If u don't mind me asking how come u don't like Botanicare plus? Also I was looking into buying advanced nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra have u ever used it or is it any good?Later on I wanna switch over to advanced nutrients just to try them out on my next grow.