First LST..Check It Out!


This is my friends 1st LST and only second time growing....think they are doing good? They want to trim some of the leaves but don't know where to begin...any tips? They look droopy because they just woke up....4 days into 12/12.



Well-Known Member
Thats funny,my plants have a "female erection" in the morning, and droop at night 1/2 hour before lights out, just have to love theses little buggers. yours look very nice with great color!


Thanks! They were needin' some water too...Any LST tips? anybody? They need a trim but don't know where to start....

White Ryno

Active Member
trim out a lot of those fan're not getting ANY light to those lower nodes. if you plan on harvesting the tops a week or two before the lower parts that's OK I suppose. However, what I would suggest is trimming the lower nodes almost completely off and allowing all energy to be sent to the top colas

White Ryno

Active Member
trimming the lower nodes almost completely off
what I meant is to trim the node COMPLETELY off. the fan leaves and the bud this from the bottom all the way up to just under the main bud sites. you'll get fatter top nugs this way


Active Member
lookig good, maybe bend the taller branches down and make a more even canopy.

Start trimming the top fan leaves first. I trim a little off at a time to keep the stress low for the plant, just my opinion. You could trim all the lower stuff off to have a better top cola as mentioned aboveor trim a little and use some of the small stuff for hash. Your preferrence. I like to trim any lower branches, or small ones that wont produce anything.


Active Member
what I meant is to trim the node COMPLETELY off. the fan leaves and the bud this from the bottom all the way up to just under the main bud sites. you'll get fatter top nugs this way
Yea I agree I usually do a bending technique so I cut anything that will not reach the canopy. Do not wait to long tho because if you cut after they start to form buds it will not make the top colas bigger. Cut by week 2 and 1/2 at latest.


Looks like 2 of the three were males...the larger of the three was the only female. Thanks for the tips. Since there is more room in the grow area it got pulled apart some more and some of the older fan leaves were trimed. There is a lot more space between the tops now, plus the side lighting. all in all lookin good...

Kali Soul

Active Member
U should start from the bottom like the picture below. make sure u do it at the end of the day wen ur gals go to sleep


New Member
looks like she could go for a transplant to a bigger container also. I wouldn't trim her to much at all thats just me apparently, looks like she is going to have all good tops without any pruining needed in this case

Pat Man

Active Member
I have been perfecting the LST method and I have to say I don't understand why more people don't lolli-pop. You should definitely consider it while using LST, you will get very generous nugs.

When flowering first starts i go straight to the lowest nodes that I know won't be getting efficient light. as the buds come in you can decide whether or not to take of more but after 4 or 5 weeks i would stop pulling.

i can post pics of my LST soon if you'd like to see, my method seems to be effective