First Legitimate Grow...PICS INCLUDED... 400W HPS


Active Member
So this is my roommate's first grow with a good lamp and controlled environment... here is what we got

6.5 foot tall frame with the reflector hood being held by shoestrings (sweet, right?)

400W HPS: We had a metal halide but it broke so we are working on buying a new one since we are in seedling stage mostly

Temp: The temperature ranges from about 79 degrees at night to about 85 degrees during the day

Ventilation: We have one fan which is directed at the light and we have connected an AC unit to help cool the temperatures down during the hot days

Nutes: We are using some miracle grow shit we bought from home depot, which is 4-12-5, plus we have some other nutes which is 10-15-10

This is our basic setup and currently we have one plant that is about 18 inches tall, four seedlings inside two pots, and we have four clones waiting to be planted.... Since this is our first legitimate grow any suggestions, tips and/or feedback would be greatly appreciated from all growers



Active Member
Well here are some of questions/worries or whatever....

1. Is the temp ok during the day at 85 degrees?
2. We have the hps about 4 feet away from the plants... is that ok?
3. Are these nutes sufficient for a beginner?